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Image Comments posted by mathieulandry


    The light is uninteresting. Subject are uninterestly positioned. This is familly archival material. To be more creative perhaps explore different environments and try to shoot pictures at early in the morning or late during the day to get interesting effects. I think the boy in the picture is what takes a lot away from the quality of the photograph, as well as the house in the background. Just the two girls with only flowers in the background with the same expression they have in this shot would be mnuch better! Good luck!
  1. I appreciate the technical aspects of the shot and skill or talent it took. But I have to say that I don't like the image for the very reason it was chosen POW; it is ethereal. This image doesn't look natural. To me, this is not a true representation of nature and doesn't capture any real essence. I would probably like the image much more without the ducks flying.


    Spectacular shot! I think the centered horizon works well with this composition. I would still try cropping a sliver at the bottom, just over the black rocks on the bottom left. Just to see what it looks like

    Three Poles


    After reading most of the comments on this week's POW, I felt I had to make part of my thoughts. I am not a very experienced photographer. Most of my work on this site is from crappy "tools". I only bought an SLR recently to further explore what can be done and perhaps get more serious about the quality of my work.


    This being said, I don't always know how to comment on images because Im not a technique guru. What I know however, is that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Sure, humans perceive an aesthetically pleasing face as a median. But when it comes to more complex scenes, I think personality kicks in. What you like, what your dreams are, what you believe in, your past. It's all affecting your taste. If someone differs in opinion, it's probably because they don't share the same views. For my part, when I see something I don't like, I discard it and forget it. I try to comment only on the things I like. That way I'm letting that person know that his/her work is appreciated.


    Moreover, I don't think it's fair to shun down innovative tools, such as photoshop. Sure, some people might use it a bit more than others. But if it makes their work nicer, it should be fine. It's just another tool after all, and it's still art. Some people might say theres not much to this shot, that its a common scene. But Jeff actually took a picture of it.


    Jeff, I like your shot. Keep up the good work!


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