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Image Comments posted by brucepercy



    Hi James,


    How did you get to this vantage point without killing yourself? I'm wondering if the river was low during your visit?


    Cold surreal colours again. Very dramatic.


    You have a very strong sense of style in this shot.



    Hi James,


    Firstly, thanks very much for the kind feedback on my own portfolio. I'm glad you are in love with Iceland too - it's a fab place.


    I love this image, it is very surreal and I like the fact that you are happy to depart from reality in the pursuit of your own 'vision'.


    Keep in touch. Bruce.

    Being Protected.

    That's just such a lovely shot. It has everything going for it - the background is not distracting because the darkness has been used very well, the tight crop is effective, the detail of the skin textures - all wonderful. If there was one thing I'd say was missing is perhaps direct eye contact from the child to the camera, but hey - it's a small point. Lovely work.

    Blood red black


    Hi Ian,


    I think you got a better picture than the one you anticipated. I've seen so many photos of the castle - it's been done to death.


    So this is a refreshing change, and I think it's quite original for the location.


    Makes me want to visit now, whereas before, I wasn't that interested at all. Those rocks looks great.


    All the best with your slide show in East Kilbride.

  1. Hi Daniel,


    Interested to see that you are spending time back in film land. I thought you had converted to the 5D, but here I am seeing some postings regarding Kodachrome and the Xpan.


    I'm not too happy with the 5D image output to be honest and find that there is something 'organic' and more pleasing to the eye when using film.


    Have you decided to abort digital, or are you simply using multiple formats / systems ?


    Love the xpan shots and the Kodachrome ones too. There is a colour response there that I feel is lost in the digital domain.



  2. Daniel, this is a lovely image. It is definitely the capturing of a 'moment' or to me, there is a spirit there. I think it's the Monks face, coupled with the movement of his robe. The light is secondary to me, but just adds even more to a lovely shot.


    With regards to dynamic range. I find that all a bore. Is the image pleasing? Yes. Does it touch you in some way? Yes.


    This is what photography is about, regardless of whether it is manipulated or not. It's the end result that matters.


    I personally have issue with those that think that manipulated images are fake. Film is fake in that it does not capture reality. It comes nowhere close to capturing reality, and that is it's beauty for me. It takes real life and turns it into something else. Same for a traditional dark room print, or a digital one. It is down to the artist / photographers vision. If you have the vision and the skill to produce what you envisage, then that is what photography (for me) is all about.


    This is a lovely image. The lack of detail in the shadow areas adds mystery to me. Surely there is beauty in inperfection? ;-)



    Cloud diving


    What I like about this shot Scott (which is probably the best one of yours on this site), are these points:


    1) The cloud pattern acts as a great background and is in focus

    2) The person jumping appears to be facing directly towards the camera. The movement of their arms and legs adds a pleasing element to the composition

    3) The detail in the hair. The shutter was fast enough to freeze it.

    4) The placement of the figure - they are just below the centre of the frame.


    It's one of those moments when everything comes together. And yes, I wouldn't have used flash to bring out details in the subject. Sometimes it's nice to leave the viewer guessing. It also adds an element of mystery to the shot.



  3. I don't think you need to clone anything. The initial impact of the images works, and it continues to work long after as well. Wishing to clone the seagull out is simply a case of being too analytical. If it ain't broke, don't fix it is my recommendation.


    It's a lovely shot - very funny. Well done.

  4. Hi Mary,


    Firstly, Congrats for pow!


    Secondly, Some of the previous comments have concentrated on the technical limtations

    of the image. Personally, I don't care about how sharp an image has to be to be

    considered good, or whether it's technically perfect. Beauty often lies in the

    imperfections. If everything was technically perfect then it would all be dull as

    dishwater to me. A photo should be enjoyed for what it is. Sometimes an image is

    technically flawed, but it has great emotional impact. Other times a picture may have no

    emotional impact, yet it has technical mastery. Both are valid on different levels.


    So, what do I like about this image? Well, if truth be told, I think it's the fact that it

    deviates from the standard / formula wedding photo. You really have taken a step back

    and looked at the dress in a different way. I like that aspect very much.


    Seeing a moment that others would ordinarily pass by - that's one of the elements of

    good photography. I'm sure this is what attracted you to the dress in the first place.

    Well done.

  5. Although I could tell straight away where this was, I think it's a nice change - I've seen so many images of the glen that look the same - this one has a unique perspective. Good to see you looking for it. I like the bridge in the middle of the shot.

    Lady Lighting


    Hi Daniel,


    I really love the composition of this one and for me, the bulbs reflected in the window really make the image.


    It's definitely suited to black and white.






    Sorry, but the subject is extremely tacky, kitsch and too contrived for my liking.


    But it is well executed. I'm sure I'd have difficulty bringing off such a high degree of execution.


    Woman and Statue


    Great seperation from the background. Also, the exposure is good because it looks like it was originally a back lit shot. The composition is good as well.


    I love the incense smoke!



    Yannis, whether this is staged or not, it's quite an unusual shot and one that I seem to 'get' the more I look at.


    There's something slightly disturbing about the girl. I don't think she's even aware of the frog and I don't see any connection between them. If you like, she almost seems to have been captured at a moment when she's closed her eyes and is far away. The frosted glass is what makes this image for me. It puts an element of uncertainty to the image and I like the asthetic it produces.


    I used to think that photography was all about capturing a moment but now think that it is many things to many people.


    Not the kind of photo that I usually go for, but I admire it for it's asthetics and though provoking imagery, even if it is staged.


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