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Image Comments posted by bobatkins

  1. I certainly appreciate the effort Jason took with his critique. I can extract meaning from it, just as some people may be able to extract meaning from this image. Neither are essentially obvious at first glance!


    You can think of this image as a visual analog to a Zen koan. It may not make much sense at first, but perhaps you get out of it more than is really there. It's just a catalyst.


    Then again maybe I just got tired of well exposed, pretty shots of critters!


    There's really no trick here, nature did most of the work! I could tell you I used diffusers, reflectors, directional lighting wtc. but in fact I did none of these. I saw the flower, picked the angle, waited for the sun to be partly obscured by clouds (to avoid any hard shadows) and took the shot (manually focused) at an aperture just small enough to get the flower in focus but large enough to blur the background. I cropped to a square format because that's what the subject needed and made minor tweaks to curves and levels as permitted for "unmanipulated" images. So no tricks, a straight photograph. Sometimes you just get lucky and all the right elements fall in place!
  2. The "ghost" towers were added from a shot I'd made a few months before from exactly the same location, so they are in the correct position and to the correct scale.


    Getting the shot was the result of quite a few visits and waiting for the right conditions of clouds at the right altitude.



    Krishna - I have no idea how these images are chosen. I'm just as much in the dark as you are about the process.


    The picture is interesting from the point of view of composition. Other than the main subject though, if find the background rather dull and drab. Perhaps this is the fault of scanning or printing, but judging on what is presented on my screen I wouldn't rate this image very highly.


    As part of a photo essay it might be a much stronger work than it is as an isolated image, which is the way I'm judging it here.

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