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Image Comments posted by artemis


    Very nice picture. Gives you the impression you're looking down on a grid, with carefully placed or arranged "subjects". Unusual perspective, might not have worked quite so well without the diamond patterns on the tiled floor.

    Norwegian Autumn

    In all fairness to the others, Nina, I did think the photo was from a digital camera even before I noted what camera you had used. I agree that Velvia gives unnatural colours, but there is something about the contrast (?) that gives it away as digital, and possibly makes the vivid colours look very slightly "unnatural".
  1. Thanks for the comments. I will keep the idea about blurring movement in mind, although my photographic style tends towards freezing people in their tracks. :-) This was originally 6x7 cropped into a square, with a slight tilt adjustment to compensate for the age-old problem with converging verticals. The original photo has more of the pillar on the left. I may eventually opt for a different crop, allowing for a little more room to breathe on the left-hand side.


    Canary Wharf is good for architectural photography, if one can avoid the tripod police who regularly patrol the area. Unfortunately one requires a permit to use a tripod in these parts, and having security guards trail you around the place can be a rather paranoia-inducing experience.

  2. I agree that this sort of funfair picture shows an innocent sort of joie de vivre... a wider perspective would have encompassed more colourful elements and also shown some people milling around. It looks slightly "cut-off" as it is. It's quite impressive for a small digital camera though. I am however, bothered by that grey triangle of light on the right-hand side.
  3. Hrmmm, definitely things worth thinking about there, Phil. I was admittedly trying hard to get into the rangefinder mentality there..! This has turned out to be a rather bland pastoral scene, when I suspect with the right perspective, even haybales in Kent can be made to look dramatic... I haven't got there yet!

    Thanks for your thoughts, all.

  4. Thanks for the comments. I agree with you, John, about the higher vantage point. I should've brought a stepladder with me, but its a little too late now, all the haybales are gone. Maybe next year. :)


    I've attached another version below with the contrast adjusted. I prefer this version.

  5. Was wondering if it would have been more impactful had you knelt down to take this photo? I.e get closer to the collapsed fences which provide nice leading lines into the photo, and eliminate the annoying wires dangling over the top left corner of the photo. Intriguing looking house.

    Gasgale Gill

    Ah thanks for the map Phil. I guess it was a view looking back east. My hat's off to you for negotiating the scree slope from Whin Benn after sundown! Perhaps we took a wrong turn, but that descent was one of the hairier moments of my life, even in broad daylight. ;)

    Gasgale Gill

    Very nice photo, Phil. Did you take this while perched on the vertiginious heights of Gasgale Crags? I remember this scene well although it was much greener in my memory. Was this shot in the autumn?

    Moy Valley

    Extraordinary landscape. At first I thought it looked like a painting by Constable. Love the way the mist just reveals the tops of trees.
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