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Posts posted by zcreem

  1. You seem to have a small attitude problem Bry, you say you've been here for a week and then you rant on here in the Forum like you own the place, most new users have problems getting the idea of ratings, and it is even harder whn you can't be bothered to tell people what you do or don't like about their work, but please remember they at least liked it so a little respect goes a long way, no one has emailed me with a complaint about low marks because I give them sparingly and with comments. <p>I would respecfully suggest you lay of the ratings for a while until you get the feel for them and concentrate on critiques instead. <br>Oh and by the way welcome to p.net. It is for the most part a freindly respectable place, but insulting the users as you have done above isn't going to impress anyone. Take your personal problems to the person that caused them. Or email the Abuse address, if you feel abused. <p>How do I report abuse?<br>


    You can report abuse by sending email to abuse@photo.net

    <p>I guess you read the FAQ.

  2. Using Firefox I often get this document contains no data, so a blank page as it would appear on IE, I have no firewall stuff, and it is so intermitent that I can't pin it down, but about 1 in 8 pages do it. This is on top of the usual timeouts due to server load.
  3. I think I get what you were on about Tom, when I followed the link I really hesitated on the thumbs before clicking, but I suspect it's a man thing. This little part of our body is precious to us and seeing splaid back in this way is disturbing to all males, does it bother women in the same way I wonder? <br>But think how much harder it would have been had it been in colour, I am no fan of blood and that would have been to hard, the photos especially the first two aren't technically very good the last one is better.<p> Do they have a place here, well yes why not, if the poster owns the copyright. I do think this is certainly one reason to caption pictures well, so if you like you can avoid them, or have a medical category I remember a posting off venus surgery theat was in colour and a bit icky, but as it was an arm I wasn't so sensitive, I love my little fellow and don't like the though of breaking him, didn't even know you could. So at least you can say I learn't something, always a good thing.
  4. I thinks its the Speed you using, the only other thing it could be is the ccd but that would be consistent. I have found at ISO 1600 the noise is a real pain at long exposures, though a lot less when shot Raw. While this camera has the ability to shoot at 1600 i have not been overly impressed by the low light results, in a brighter situation its much better. The hand book to be fair warns of noise problems at this speed and in low light. Don't think it is a problem its normal ;(
  5. You've got to be joking, this is a serious buisness, and I mean serious. I don't come here to enjoy myself, I have the <i>Hair Shirt</i> for that.<br>The World would be a much better place if people stopped enjoying themselves so much.<p>Oh I just saw the news (I think it's actually a repeat and no one told the network) the World isn't having a lot of fun at the moment is it, so may be it would be ok to have a small laugh (just don't make a habbit of it), now where is that shirt.
  6. Mac, I don't think reducing the number of pictures stored on the site is going to make any difference, as the overhead cost for the site is bandwidth not storage, in ither words the amount of data sucked out of p.net's servers.<br>A few things have been tried including recompressing all images by default, this I am sure has save a lot of bandwidth.<br>On the point of saving bandwidth, a few ideas As I look at this pages source:<p><ul><li>Firstly this page uses inline style sheets, why not use external ones, would only need download once per session.</li><li>Same thoughts go for the javascript, externalise it.</li><li>The logo appears on every page and while it should be cached by most browsers, this is not gauranteed, changing it from a animated gif to static, would save BW over a period, considering the number of hits this site is getting.</li></ul><p>This may not seem like much of a saving, but given the fact that this site is fairly well stripped of gizmos and unnescessary clutter, it may be that over time it could save some buck$.<p><ul><li>On the photos problem we really need some efffecient, way of inssuring size constraints are not overly exceeded, ie direct camera uploads.</li><li>Limiting the number of images to a portfolio would also help (or the number of icons per page), on big portfolios you down load all the thumbs for the portfolio on one page this can be a hell of a lot of images.</li></ul>
  7. <b>Rajeev</b>, its happening frequently on all pages, I have been fairly active in the forums recently and so they are the ones I see the most, but it s not just forums, It gets as far as the photo net logo, then nothing, and a reload sometimes it works, mostly it works, but sometimes not. FYI I am accessing the server with Firefox 0.8, never had any problem before with this browser before (on non flashed sites that is), but next time it starts I will be brave and jump in with IE (Oh must I, yes it's for the good of p.net)
  8. For my two penneth worth, I keep getting Page contains no data messages quite often at the moment, and I use the site, off peak as I based in Berlin. So points a little towards data, maybe you could run a memory check, could be failing ram, or a DB bug, or HD error, I don't think its bandwidth.
  9. I finally managed to get this technique to work, reasonable well, it

    seems a lot more realistic than the Gaussian blur, but a lot hard to

    figure out all the settings, has anyone found a good tutorial on this

    yet, the help file is useless.<br>The picture is <a


    by the way and the original just next <a


  10. Amen to that, brother.<br>

    What is with the attachment, you do know it's TIFF, not the most effecient way to transmit data around the I-net. Not to mention slowing down the server even more and using up more space to store it than is necessary for a picture.<br>Made me jump too, as it's the first time Quicktime kicked in since I have been on p.net

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