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Image Comments posted by kimball_v._regier

    too dark??


    Do you still see enough in the iamge?? Or is it just too dark for

    publication? I'm not sure if it is simply because I was there and

    took the photo - but I like the light, does it work for you?



    I'd love to hear some feedback on this - converted to B&W using PS,

    other than that - no editing. Might I ask that if you are to leave

    an extreme rating (1,2 or 7) that you take the time to share your

    comments and let me know why it moves you in such a way... it helps

    as I only post here to help me to become better at this wonderful

    pastime. Thanks.

    fantasy II


    fantasy hair model shoot... model and stylist had been

    styling/preparing for almost 6 hours for the shoot. The look is for

    a national fantasy hair contest... your comments are welcome.

    colorful B&W


    Does it still work for you?? I love the fact that I can add color

    back into an image that I have converted to B&W, but is there still

    a market for it???


    Les, Thanks for the idea - might have to try something like that... this was a fairly simple combination of minor adjustments, the makeup stands out well and the eye makeup was designed to have just that effect. The pastel color was put into her hair to bring the bright blue out in the eyes.
  1. I still find it difficult to light and maintain consistent tone from

    head to toe - do you see this? Does anyone else experience

    challenges with it?? I have slightly adjusted tones with PS - trying

    hard to keep it real... Thanks.


    I like the picture - think it would be much better if the model were in the same position but facing the left - parallel with the chain on top. she could then turn her shoulders and head to you - thus, making her face and hair moe prominent. Right now I think there is too much focus on the knee (being the closest to the camera). Nice light - great idea.

    Picture of self


    Please help... Always looking to improve my work - which is why I

    belong to photo.net. Having not had the opportunity for technical

    training - I find that I am challenged in certain areas - knowing

    what works to please others is the tough one. I know what I like to

    see in a photo - BUT what is it that would make a piece "SELLABLE".

    Is there as much as a standard for such? If you have sold any

    photography, PLEASE HELP me with your opinion and expertise. Thanks

    for your time and as always - I value your honest opinion.


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