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Image Comments posted by photo.net_hater

  1. This photo shows what it means to be a bird, and what it means to be a girl. As such, the idea is great.


    The girl isn't very obvious in the picture though. I'm not sure I would have noticed her immediately if I hadn't first read the caption. I think she's a bit too small and has way too much visual clutter around her.

  2. This photo is an excellent treatise on the growing gap between the have and have-nots of the world. Whereas toothpaste is in some parts of the world an insane luxury, in the privileged West it is such a mundane object that we don't even bother to cap the tube back, or squeeze it from the bottom to maximize the yield. But as this photo clearly displays, our lack of respect for our own affluence (not capping the tube back) will come round to us in the form of decay (symbolized by the stains, the general grubbiness of the entire shot). This photo clearly demonstrates the decay of the decadent West.


    Perhaps Velvia would have rendered the disgusting stains more vividly, making this an even more powerful photo.


    The above comment is not to be taken seriously.

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