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  1. i found the issue... after tracing my steps many times, it was in my pano software. for some reason it started to default to output to 12% quality when it usually outputs to 100%. i will have to keep an eye on that. frustrating but could have been worse. thanks.
  2. greetings, i am using the canon 5d mkii with the 24-105 canon lens. i have found suddenly that the file size rendered by my camera has become smaller!! as a rule i shoot large jpeg or raw+large jpeg. the files rendered in L-JPEG are now only 3mb and though the RAW files are rendered as 25mb files when i use my panoramic software and then save them as jpegs they are rendered as similarly small files. i have tried everything that i can think of that i may have changed as far as settings to no avail. i cleared the camera settings also with no improvement. what could remedy this? is it a software issue in the camera? thanks in advance for your sage advice, michael
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