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Everything posted by stuart_pratt

  1. <p>Thanks for all the replies. I've crawled around on my stomach as advised, but to no avail. With a house full of kids and dog, It's most probably out in the garden by now, stuck to the bottom of a shoe.</p> <p>John, I have no idea what size, looked about 1.5mm as you say, but have not found anything on-line that can confirm. Thanks for offer of sending by post. I'm in the UK, so I'll exhaust other avenues first.<br> Patrick, good thought, have pinged an email to Tamron.<br> Also looking at a couple of trashed Tamron lenses on ebay, think this is my best bet. Gonna build myself a 6f x 4ft fish tank, and do all repairs in that in future.</p> <p>Anyone have any advice on how best to get the spring and new ball back in there?</p>
  2. <p>From the aperture ring detent of a Tamron 90mm f2.5. Just as I was putting it all back together having (I think) nailed the sluggish aperture problem by tightening up the spring a tad.<br> Anyone have any idea where I might get another, or what size they are? I could get a faulty tamron lens on ebay, on the assumption a Tamron lens of similar era would have the same size ball, but several would be better, as I see it happening again when I try to get the B**ger back in.</p> <p>Long shot, I know, but TIA.</p>
  3. <p>Thanks for responses. I'll get the adaptall mount and see how it goes. Paul, the SMC fits just fine on the body, no interferences at all.</p>
  4. <p>Hi</p> <p>I have recently become the owner of a Ricoh Singlex TLS, and have bought from eBay a 55 f1.8 Pentax SMC to stick on the front of it. I'd like to use my Tamron 90mm f2.5 with it as well, but would need an adaptall 2 to M42 adapter. Anyone know if this would retain the auto function to allow stopping down at the point of taking??</p> <p>TIA</p>
  5. <p >I am trying to adjust the horizontal rangefinder image in a Yashica Lynx 5000e rangefinder. I have found images on-line of the 5000 calibration screws, but they are not the same in the 5000e. At the moment I am leaning towards a small horizontally oriented screw that appears to hold the rangfinder patch mirror onto its vertical, cylindrical stub. Alternatively, there is a fairly large cross head type screw near the rotating lens that moves the rangefinder patch (on the rangefinder mirror side of the lens) which could be it, or it could be elsewhere??</p> <p >Any advise gratefully received. Photos to follow</p> <p >TIA</p>
  6. <p>Hi</p> <p>I have a nice clean example of an Auto S2, purchased on ebay, which to my surprise arrived almost in full working condition, with a nice minty lens. The rangefinder mirror has fallen off, but I have found instructions on how to sort this, and the front part of the lens is a bit wobbly with respect to the rear half. It's attached to the body fine (lots of web stuff about loose body/lens attachment, but that's not the problem). The front part of the lens, including the shutter speed dial moves away from the rest of the lens a little (maybe a mm or two). I've been 'in' and it looks like there are three screws holding the two parts of the lens housing together, and one of them is missing. Two of them appear as a bit of a gummy mess (see photo A) and the one missing is just a hole (see photo B). It looks as if the screws come in from the camera body side rather than from the lens side, and are prevented from unscrewing by the gluey mess. This seems a bit odd, as the thread would only be biting into the thin black plastic but I can't find out anything to tell me otherwise.</p> <p>Anyone out there able to help? If my assumption is correct, it it a reasonable fix? Screw size/thread/pitch etc?? Alternatively. can I put one in from the lens side??</p> <p>Thanks in advance</p> <p>PS, I've posted the URL to two pictures on flickr, but they don't seem to have appeared??</p> <p>Stu<br /> <img src="https://www.flickr.com/photos/cdsnapper/14420517189/" alt="" /><br /> <img src="https://www.flickr.com/photos/cdsnapper/14584081516/" alt="" /></p>
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