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Image Comments posted by vartan_grigorian



    The 'photograph' is rubbish (trash)of the highest order. That however is not important. That you endagered the lives of other people to take (driving whilst fooling with your camera) such utter garbage is.


    'Comments would be appreciated!' Well you did ask!


    I failed to notice that you seem to have a cosy arrangement between yourself and a few others to highly rate each other photos.

  1. The barn makes a potentially attractive subject and your composition is okay. Unfortunately the picture is ruined by the completely washed out, featureless sky. I realise that the weather is beyond your control, but the image needs to stand on its own.


    If ratings were given for technical ability and quality I would have given you a 7 or 8. Unfortunately the subject matter is hackneyed, and the composition boring. Sadly I think the picture is totally lacking in originality and I find it boring. You obviously have good technical skills, so apply it to more interesting subject matter.
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