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Image Comments posted by darin_mccauley

    Red-Tailed Hawk


    This hawk allowed me to approach to almost underneath him. I then

    aimed toward the direction I thought he would take off in and waited.

    This is the best of three shots I got off. The others were obscured

    by tree limbs.

  1. The original's not out of focus- I just have problems translating my slides to the computer with a flatbed scanner w/light lid. None of the computer images looks as good as the originals. Color balance/contrast/sharpness...I'm still trying to figure slide scanning out!

    Scarlet Sunrise


    Yes, it's Velvia! No, it didn't distort the color. The sky stayed

    approximately this color for about 15 minutes. What do you think? I

    have another version with some power lines to show the (ugly)human


    Pre-dawn trees.


    I tried to frame-out the buildings at the bottom by getting low to

    the ground. Couldn't get any lower! This is along a busy street in

    southern Delaware County, Ohio.

    Jordan Pond

    I agree with the above comment. The right portion of the frame does not add much, and I'd prefer to see more sky. Both of these things could be accomplished by framing vertically. Shifting your position to the right and the camera angle to the left would also make the log more dynamic.(Hindsight is 20/20) Great use of depth of field!
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