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Posts posted by wayne_harrison

  1. i think your first crop of the second image would look great on the

    first image. got that? actually, i like this quite a bit, when

    cropped. you were completely successful in your announced intention

    to summon up the 40's-50's nuance. of course, the terrific bone

    structure doesn't hurt, either.




    wayne harrison

  2. i think this is one of those totally subjective areas of equipment selection. i, for one, have found that my 35 and 50 are my most often utilized focal lengths for landscapes, with a marked preference for the 50. fwiw, i shoot mostly mountain views in the appalachians. if i go to a longer length, i have to go all the way to 135 for any substantially different "look" than that produced by my 50. in short, i think this just depends on how your mind's eye prefers to see your world.
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