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Image Comments posted by matt_h

    Roller Rink


    Hey I wanted to add my two cents. I just came across your folder and I think it's fantastic. It really appeals to me aestheticly. Don't know how else to word it. Just clean and simple lines, with the occasional bold colors. Good stuff. I tried to comment on the entire folder but couldn't figure out how.


    You mention PS manipulation, just how much was needed? Just curious.



  1. I really dig this shot and will be the second person to agree with Courtney. The sky is what makes it for me. I always want to go and shoot when the sky is like that but have yet to do so.


    The green tinge of the street lights also just add to the scene, as well as the snow and the tracks which make this look like a small back alley.


    As Courtney mentioned, the angle could be better, and I would love to see this same shot from a couple angles if possible.

  2. I tend to agree with the last poster on this one. I would like to see the stone wall and the road. It looks like it was wet so it would stand out nicely. Maybe if you had positioned yourself further to the right and shot to include the wall and the road leading off the frame. Did you shoot this vertically too? Maybe shoot low to the road to get some of that in the shot as well as the tree. Or even if you were able to just step back to get more of the fence in, as well as the road, I think that would work as well.


    I do like the color and the way the dark tree trunk stands out.


    I will say though, something I have learned as a basic rule, always use a tripod for landscapes, play with aperture depending on the scene (obvious) and use slower more saturated film.

  3. This shot kind of reminds me of a crime scene photo. It looks better in the larger size, a lot of the detail is lost in the smaller default size that photo.net gives you.


    After checking it out I think you could have bracketed and shot it a down a stop or two. A little less light might have made it even better. I say that because I know there is more color on that bird, and it looks just a bit pale to me. Who knows....


    I'm just making stuff up at this point. Trying to sound like I actually know what I am talking about.

  4. Just a comment about your photos in general. I don't know if it is the film or the scanner, but they all seem to be too cool (read blue) aka not warm. Maybe its just the subject matter that you shoot?


    I really think you should switch to slower pro film as well, especially considering most of yur stuff is with a decent amount of light. You will notice a difference in the quality and they hold up better if you want to do some larger prints.


    As for this photo, I like it. I like the perspective, has that wide angle feel. The right corner is really hot which is too bad because the rest of the picture works for me. I like the change from light to dark in the pool and the highlights on the rocks.


    I would have also liked to have seen this shot from a lower angle, I think that would have been interesting.

  5. I just had one question really.


    What is that guy in the blue shorts doing? Do you think he is lost? Maybe it was too foggy and he forgot his glasses.


    And another thing. Why is that person carrying an airplane wing?


    For real comments - I think you should have stopped this down at least one or two stops. I expect to see much darker sand. It is far too white.


    There is also no real focal point. My eye keeps bouncing from the surfer to the blue shorts guy to the little guy in the center of the pic. Maybe you could have gotten closer to the surfer with a bigger zoom. Possibly get him near the wet/dry sand area, so you can get his reflection on the wet sand ...I don't know just an idea. Its hard for me to visualize how I would shoot something without being there.


    I do like the concept/idea...its one of my favorite...the dreamy foggy beach scene.


    But seriously...what is the deal with the guy in the blue shorts?

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