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Image Comments posted by bill_proud





    The flowers are competing with your model for attention and blocking the wall art. They are too prominent in the frame. Suggest moving them left.



    Dutch Winter


    This is a very nice pastoral scene and I like the warm earth tone ground cover and somewhat monotonic color to it.


    I thought maybe there was too much white sky but trying to crop neither helped or hurt it. Tried cropping out the foreground but the image needs it.


    Anyway, well done.



    I commented on one of your other posts and as well I like the lighting you use on this one. It has a light falloff at the bottom or vignetting that works very well.


    I do care for the bullseye look, puts the image off balance.

  1. Too much information. I don't think there is enough of the left background to really tell me anything and the right side triangle is somewhat distracting.


    Try cropping out everything but the door plate/knob and the carving work including the vertical bar. See if you like that. It's a standard opposing thirds balance.


    What a great old world door by the way.



    Bored alpha male


    This looks a tad over exposed. Don't know if you are using fill flash but my guess is no because there is no catchlight in the eyes.


    If you used a flash, you could dial down the background exposure with your f/stop by a half stop, or third stop and still maintain good light on the animal using the flash.


    Don't forget your meter wants to make everything 18% gray, which is what it did to this animal. If he is supposed to be black, you would unederexpose from the reading to maintain that black.





    Hard to comment based on not knowing what you are trying to show.


    If this photo journalism let me suggest that it might be improved by the soldiers looking into the frame and not out of the frame.


    You have shown action but the man on the left is too blurred and too close to the camera with all the added blurring behind him.


    Don't know what the car adds to the image, maybe that this is a checkpoint.


    Once again I'm not a PJ but this is what I see.


    Ask yourself, what message am I attempting to get across.




    and thanks for your service



    Composition is okay but there are several lighting problems.


    Blown highlight on the breast and the head blends with the background.



    I actually like this but the arm really overpowers everything else in the photo. Also the fingers curved are odd. I'd straighten the fingers somewhat and have her pull slightly at the strap to create a little bit of tension.


    Facial expression is a little bland.


    Infinite poses possible, I might try turning her slightly to show her other shoulder but not sure about that.


    Well done.






    Don't care for just the man's ear visible, need to see part of his face for context.



    Wedding photos are about tiny details such as bride's fingers and thumb should be together not spread apart. This shows elegance.

  2. Excellent saturation, well focused and no blown highlights.


    I'm troubled by the black center and don't remember any scene like this at Antelope but here is what I would do.


    Split this into two scenes and turn them horizontal. you then have two very, very nice panos.

  3. I like this composition very much, the tall building set at the top and just inside the frame and the others trailing down to the right. Great background light and minimal use of the water since there isn't much of a reflection to pick up anyway.


    Good idea to use the boat in the opposing third but think it needs to be sharp or leave it out.


    And I especially like the poles and spires that jut out on the horizon line that give this image an intimacy to the viewer.


    Well done.

    Winter forest


    I really like this monotone subdued look with a slight splash of color and the feeling of the storm intensity by the snow stuck to the trees.


    I like the placement of the front tree using the rule of thirds and the opposing brown leaves leading into the frame.


    There is a little conflict between the tree and the branch behind it that I don't care for.


    Well done.



    God's eye view




    Outstanding image. A 7 for sure


    You might consider this for Nature's Best 2006 Contest. $2500.00 grand prize but I'm not sure what the other prize amounts are.


    29th of April is deadline. I'd send them a dupe or CD/DVD at first.






    bill proud, www.billproudphotography.com

    Star trails




    I like it. The bright lights bother me a little, especially the one larger lower left, but it's easily removed in PS if it bothers you.


    Color cast could be atmospheric light dispersion from city lights with a little reciprocity shift.


    Very nice.



    Mesa Arch




    My point wasn't that being published in Shutterbug was the ultimate photographic accomplishment but that these kinds of photos make money, as redundant as they are. In this months issue is Mt. Moran.


    I'm sure many of us want and try to be original in our photography but many times you take stuff just to pay the rent.



    Mesa Arch




    Excellent image. Great light, and great depth of field. For those who don't know, this color is only available at sunrise, so one has to be somewhat motivated to just be there at dark thirty to set up and be ready.


    I believe I saw a similar image of this icon location in last month's Shutterbug, so yes, it's been done and done. So what? It was good enough to be selected for POW. Congratulations.


    Even I have this image and it currently appears in The Grand Circle of the southwest. And as trite as it is, earned for me a nice piece of change. You can sell that one.

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