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Posts posted by brien_szabo

  1. Before you come to Camden, you'll pass through a town called Rockland. There is a very nice art museum there. Anyway, you make a left into town to head towards Camden. What you want to do is hang a right instead and visit Owl's Head Lighthouse (about 5 minutes away from Rockland) then about another half hour to forty five minutes away is Marshall Point Lighthouse. Marshall Point is the lighthouse featured in the movie Forest Gump during the jogging sequence. I've shot there at sunrise and it is wondeful. Owl's Head is also a lovely lighthouse. In fact I have better and more varied images of it than at Marshall Point.
  2. I have the 175-500, it's an ok lens for nature. After 400/425 the images quality starts to fall off sharply. But for images up to the 400/425 range it's fine. I use it sparingly. I've tried to sell it several times and no takers, so now i keep it as a 'just in case' or if I really need to get "that" much tighter on a subject.
  3. I've been intrigued by the use of bellows for macro photography. I

    was wondering if any other users of a bellows setup (particularly

    Minotla users) have a good opinion of the set up and exactly what

    other accessories do I need if I do take on this new challenge. Also

    any pros and cons opinions of bellows and 35mm systems would be


  4. First of all, my bad on the spelling of the head. Secondly, thanks for all the positive and insightful remarks. It sounds like a good investment. I hike a lot with my equipment and don't own really heavy lenses, so I'm not worried about how it will handle 500 and 600mm lenses as I don't own one at this time and it will probably be a few years before i do. Thanks again for the comments
  5. Vermont overcrowded???? I guess that is determined by what you're used to as "crowded". More people than next to no people, "yes" More crowded than ski season, "no". I live in the NY/NJ area and we have crowded, especially now that summer is upon us. Fall in Vermont might be busy, but not crowded.


    Personally i tend to shoot the High Peaks in the Adirondacks in the beginning of October and come down to the Lake George Region of the Adirondacks for the middle and middle end of October. You won't be disappointed with this choice and it's not "crowded". Also, if you want to avoid people altogether - go to what is called "The Northeast Kingdom" in Vermont - wonderfully quiet but their peak is the end of Septmeber through the beginning of October depending on the summer rain. From their you could make your way through the White Mountains of NH then off to Acadia to finish but then that is one hell of a drive back to Mich. Still, can't go wrong with the Northeast!

  6. I'm toying with getting a new tripod and ball head. My tripod choice

    is down to two but the head is still a question. I was flipping

    through June's Outdoor Photographer (pg.87) where I saw an

    advertisement for "The Ultimate Ball Head" by Arcatech. It's

    intriguing.., Does anyone have experience with this head? Is it

    worth the investment? Is it priced cheaper because it is less known

    or because it's (ahh) cheaper? I would appreciate any comments. I'm

    familiar with the more famous ArcaSwiss and Kirk but if i can save

    money because a product doesn't have a name but has quality I'd

    prefer it.

  7. I'm planning a trip to Acadia from the end of Memorial Day Weekend

    thru the first weekend in June..., I was wondering if anyone has shot

    during this time.., what's in bloom..., favorite locations for this

    time of year..., weather.., that sort of stuff.


    I'm familiar with many of the major spots. I've shot here twice

    before but always towards the end of summer.

  8. I own the 3 stop soft and 3 stop hard Singh-Ray split ND's and love

    the results. I probably use the 3 stop soft more. I'm looking to

    add a reverse grad now and was wondering about 'your' experience with

    them. Did you a buy a 3 stop reverse and wish you bought the 2? Or

    did you get the 2 and wish you bought the 3. I know this is very

    subjective, I'm looking for responses from experience and general

    comments on their performance. Thanks!

  9. This is really a comment on the recent NANPA Summit in Jacksonville



    It was my first time and I must say it was a tremendous experience!

    Every breakout session I attended was friendly, informative and

    energizing. The morning speakers as well as the key note speaker on

    Saturday (Nick Nichols) and the member slide shows were all terrific.

    I also met a lot of great people and some new friends.


    I tip my hat to all the folks who worked so hard at putting this

    event on.


    Art Wolfe MC'd the Conference and was charming and funny. Clyde

    Butcher did a wonderful presentation of his work that blew me away. I

    could go on and on but you get my point...,


    I would say for anyone who has been on the fence about attending one

    these events, put an extra couple bucks a week away to save up and


  10. Funny that this post comes up because three days ago i was out shooting in the Manasquan Reservoir area (in central New Jersey, about 15 miles inland from the Atlantic Ocean)and I could have sworn I saw a Bald Eagle. I'm not a bird shooter but i try to stay aware; This big dark bird with a white head and white tail feathers comes soaring by. I was tacken back. I know they are being introduced into New Jersey but i have never seen one in this region before.
  11. Paul, I've seen lots of good photgraphers who shoot negative film. I was at a SugarLoaf craft show not too long ago (these are big shows) There were six landscape photographers there who all ( to my surprise) shot print film. One guys work was so good, such high quality stuff, I couldn't believe it was from print film. he did all his own darkroom and printing. Top Notch. If print works for you, don't let someone who shoots slides change your mind. Personally i prefer shooting slides, but that's me. The question becomes whether you want to see your work in a magazine or postcard, etc.., then you may find yourself hard pressed to find someone who will accept print/negative film material.
  12. It really comes down to pot luck then doesn't it - because i've travelled to many parts of the US and various destinations around the globe. I've asked for handchecks and would often get the raised eyebrow of disdain or confusion. At other times folks have been very compliant. My point is basically that in times of special circumstances, rules have away of either coming to the forefront or being put in the back seat and we have to be ready to adapt. In my travels around the world, Turkey, Israel, Egypt, you can forget handchecks (in my experiance) they don't have time nor want for my special needs. I adapt and make due, take precautions on my end so I don't have to deal with the hassle of airport personell and folks with guns.
  13. Robert - For those who don't know, LaGuardia is in NYC - You think at this particular point in time, airport personnel are going to care about regulation blah blah blah. If anything you should be sensitive to their plight and know YOU need to extra precaution about film. If you have to send it ahead of time, well yea it sucks, but causing trouble at a city airport that doesn't need a photographer asking for handchecks and citing regs isn't going to make your travel or the person behind you in lines travel any better let alone the chance you could have been brought to a special room where they treat trouble makers well.
  14. I was at the Photo Expo in NYC last week and saw the new Gitzo

    Explorer. I have an old (heavyish) Bogen and a Benbo. Both do me

    well but the Benbo is too bulky for long hikes and i find myself

    missing low level shots when i don't bring it. The new Explorer

    looks like the best of both worlds. Though long lenses seem like it

    could be a challenge to use. The Explorer seems almost too light but

    a hook at the bottom to hang your bag from gives it that extra

    stability. Has anyone used this tripod and what do you think? Yea or

    Nay. If it is worth the purchase, what's an appropriate head for


  15. My wife and I were invited out to stay with friends who live near

    White Sands in New Mexico. I was wondering what was the best time to

    go there for photo purposes? Plus, What other Parks or sites are

    worthy excursions in the vicinity? We were thinking about going out

    in April but are flexible.

  16. Generally the last week to week and a half of September the northern regions are peaking. Divide the state into quarters and do it in week and a half intervals as you come north to south. Allow a little crossover time in the border areas. I've noticed that many maps posted by the state or chambers or some gov. org like to post there peak times early as to get the people up there and generate that revenue!
  17. I guess eveyone is assuming you have a tripod. My wife and I were up in Alaska at that time last year and it was pretty gray. If you're not using a tripod 100 and 200 will be fairly useless as f/16 and smaller will be impossible. 400 speed is always safe but for walking around or darker areas/times, pick up a couple rolls of Fuji 800. Yea the grain is there but somtimes grain can add to the drama of a shot not hinder it. If you have a tripod, ignore the above.
  18. I just got back from Acadia (weather was great) Otter Cliff shots came out wonderful! I used my 20-35 a lot there BUT through many trail and error in the past, I refuse to use 20mm if i have a horizon line because most times it bends the picture more than i desire - the lowest i use is just a notch below 24mm maybe squeek to 22mm. You have to be careful on the wide end. A prime 24 is probably better plus it will make you think more about what you're shooting and the glass is better!
  19. It seems I may be going to Prince Edward Island for a few days right

    around Columbus Day in October. Does anyone know if I will miss or

    hit the color change there? Also any suggestions to regions i should

    hit? I shoot mainly scenics and travel type stuff.

  20. I am going to Maine the last week of August. I have one day in which

    to photgraph at Acadia. The whole day - sun up to sun down. If you

    had one day to shoot their what would your shooting schedule be? I

    was told to start at Otter Point for sunrise.., How bout late mornin,

    early evening and sunset?

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