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Image Comments posted by mike_peckitt


    I'll avoid any obvious puns - Having spent summers on a farm (not far from Michigan) nothing cows do would surprise me. I like the picture - though I think you can keep Moe & Curly but Larry (far right) can be sent home. Definitely keep the barn in.
  1. I agree that for my taste the water could be cropped a bit - but the strength of the image is still there. Your presentation of this photo, IMHO, conveys a sense of rust and decay which I take to be a metaphor for the ravaging of the industrially-based Michigan economy over the last 25 years.
  2. I think sunsets tend to get overplayed here - however there are occasionally some exceptional images of sunsets and I think this is one of them. I love the subtle colours and the mood created by the haze.


    Truly a beautiful picture. The scanner might need to be calibrated as I don't think this scan is the best representation you could get. Still I very good picture.


    I love the tones & the "feel" of the picture - but I think that it could use a point of interest. Like a chair, someone looking out of the window - whatever. I realize you shot the scene as you found it but thought I'd throw in my 2 cents worth. Nice folder.

    Homeless in D.C.

    I like it as is. Nice tones, interesting presentation as a panoramic shot. I think the presentation emphasizes the man's loneliness - but that's just my opinion.
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