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Image Comments posted by maria_s.


    I have no slightest idea what this picture is about and I do not understand why did you chose almost monochromatic version for both pictures in this folder. Aesthetically, neither composition nor exposure detail work here and unless there's a story behind that grafitti door, I think these folder is a huge step back in your portofolio.


    Oh geez, Grant ... I was there few years ago shooting bones discarded in containers outside -- they did not let me in. How did you get in?
  1. Great framing and an excellent decisive moment. It might be a bit underexposed or printed too dark. Anyway, most of your shots have that right moment well framed -- you are either lucky or spend hours waiting for them. I believe the latter is true.
  2. I think that nothing here is in focus and you underexposed it slightly. Also, the horizontal composition would be much better a choice (it looks like you zoomed this shot from far away and posted only a tiny part of your frame -- perhaps, you could change the cropping to horizontal, including more of that fire or eliminating the blaze altogether, leaving the smoke only).
  3. Hi E. ... I haven't been around for a while but I see you are working on a sequel to your "trees in snow" ... Every great photographer had an obssession with a theme or light or printing etc., so you're right on. Your chairs got a good exposure and I love the contrast but (you probably know that better) the magic is not here. There's no surprise and no story here ... keep trying.

    Same old

    Porca miseria Miguel, where do you find those moonlight scenes? Great composition but tilt is really annoying and the sky here becomes unnecessary addition (I think you need to burn in the left corner of it if you want to keep it). I would burn the sky black.
  4. Hi Drew, you got the right moment and in focus as well but your picture is underexposed (too dark) and colors are off (I guess the sky was overcast and you got this bluish hue). You need to use a filter next time or change the lab.


    I admire your irony and perseverance. Now, it's up to the viewer to find the context. Your pictures need some improvement on the technical side (shallow DOF if any, muddy colors, low contrast) but they remain interesting nevertheless.
  5. Congratulations Jean-Pierre ... I hope the man in a red dress photograph would be the next week POW . . . I guess the elves had a hard choice trying to pick just one photograph from your India portofolio ... lately, the elves seem to be very impressed by the use of innovative techniques. For once, they managed to choose a photograph in which aesthetics, form and technique employed are the necessary and only choice.

    give me


    Emotional judgments sometimes help but most often stand in a way -- take a look at Selgado, my latest favorite on expolaitation in documentary photography. I think that only a sheer volume of fame separates this photo from Selgado's works. We can discuss social or moral context but I like to focus on photographic aspects of photography on this site. BTW -- I wonder what you think of nude photographs on this site?

    I called ... uhm ... Ashley's comment a cheap shot because it advertises the work of another photographer using somebody's else's space. Which would be fine if the work we were referred to weren't a well executed shot of a big belly and lotsa colorful fabric without any comparative value to this photograph. But I bet you already went there (see, what I mean?).



    give me

    This boy is not just another boy begging for a change. He's angry, you can see it in his eyes ... and your photograph emphsizes just this. The angle you've chosen for this shot dwarfs the boy, reduces him to his extended hand and angry eyes. I can't think of a better way to express what this child must have felt. You skilfully managed to combine the contents and the form to convey what you wanted to say. And it is a very powerful message. I'm humbled by this photograph. I would only like to see a bit more room over his head. Thank you.
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