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Image Comments posted by chrisastall


    I like the way you have managed to capture the hussel and bustle of Jemaa El Fna and at a good hour of the day (as the lights come on and with colour in the sky). Good Picture.


    IMHO your best picture on the site. The proporions are just right and the colours of the sky have just the right depth too them. Only defect is the mark at about 2/3 in 1/3 down which could be cloned out in PS.


    I think the girl looks great and I like the shadow she is creating on the wall. However the background is too distracting and needs to be blurred or burnt out.
  1. I agree with Tony that the focus of the picture lets it down. However I think that having the whole shot in focus would be better than compromising with either the thrift or horizon in focus. This should also have been easy as the you mention the camera was on the ground meaning you could have had a small aperature (f22 or f27) and a long shutter speed to get the same exposure.
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