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Posts posted by pennington

  1. Congratulations Chris. You have just purchased what is in my opinion the best 120 folder ever made. I know that could be argued with all day, but this is my favorite and I have quite a few folders. Luckily mine does not have the "stupid EV system" Christopher refers to and in the picture you posted it appears your's does not have it either. (they were made with and without it). As for the Solida I, I have a Solida II with the 75/3.5 Ennagon and it has always amazed me for a 3 element lens. I may have just been lucky and gotten a good one because I have heard they vary a lot. But for 20 bucks you cant go too wrong can you. Anyway enjoy your Super Speedex I'm sure it will quickly become one of your favorites.
  2. I think this is a long overdue forum. Just classic cameras in general. Information on classic cameras can be found in the other forums but it seem to be all over the place and can be a little hard to find. If you go to any local camera show it becomes very clear that there are a lot of classic shooters out there. My family thinks I'm nuts, but if I can take only one camera with me, it's not my new Canon G3, but my Ansco Super Speedex. http://www.photo.net/photo/1633050
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