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Posts posted by mike_r1

  1. My 70-200 f 4 L which was purchased from Calumet/San Diego, back focuses by at least 50mm from 4 meters away. The longer the subject to lens distance the more it backfocuses. other primes 85mm & 105mm on 20D body do not. Ive also confirmed the problem exisits with this lens on 10D, 20D and I had also the chance to check it on a 1D MK2, sadly they all showed the same back focusing effect. - Lens is booked in with Canon Service for a rapid quality control checkup & realignment.



  2. Im rather confused about this post :-




    Dan posted it from Agfa,


    in our technical data we mention that 500 ml concentrate of RODINAL

    will last for 50 films (135-36). That means that you need 10 ml

    concentrate to process 1 film. It does not matter what the dilution

    is. Important is that you are using 10 ml concentrate. For example if

    you are processing with a dilution of 1+50 than you need 10 ml

    concentrate plus 500 ml water so that you will have in total 550 ml

    solution to process your film. Why is it importatn to take 10 ml

    because these 10 ml contain the amount of substances which will be

    used to process your film correctly and with reproducible results. It

    can be that you will get good results with less than 10 ml as

    mentioned in one answer but to be sure we recommend 10 ml. I hope

    this will answer your question. If you have further questions please

    do not hesitate to contact me.




    Kind regards Wolfgang Holz Product Manager Marketing Chemicals




    Agfa-Gevaert AG





    Wolfgang Said,

    "For example if you are processing with a dilution of 1+50 than you

    need 10 ml concentrate plus 500 ml water so that you will have in

    total 550 ml solution to process your film."




    Surely that should be 500ml of water and 10ml of solution making

    510ml not 550ml ?


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