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Wayne Melia

PhotoNet Pro
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Image Comments posted by Wayne Melia

    No title


    I unexpectedly like this for its stark, contrasty(?) character. Not the usual for a portrait of a photogenic woman, but obviously an asthetic choice. I 'think' maybe it's because of the coexistant presence of accentuated detail in the lips and eyes, and lack of detail/texture in the rest of the skin, but not sure. Normaly this sort of exageration puts me off as gimicky, but this one appeals. Hoping others will comment so I can learn more about visual response.

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    Nice. Maybe not a fine_art_masterpiece, but the photo shows the photogenic qualities of the people, and will serve as a great memory of their appearance at this age. It's a success!



    Lovely subject and the photo succeeds with the catchlights in the eyes,modeling of her cheekbones, emphasis of the lips; and the pose also gives life. Nits (and they ARE picky) might be dealing with the hand in lr corner which gains unfortunate prominence by its contrast against the dark jacket; and (even pickier!) more separation of the subject's hair from the background. Cloning out the hand may go against the photographer's principles, and the hair issue is probably personal taste. Cheers and congratulations on a photo that is a pleasure to view.

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  1. Interesting study in light/tonality.

    First impression is the sensuality of the light on the seats and how their shape is illustrated by that light. The fold/wrinkle left chair is a 'perk' that tweaks and accentuates.

    Having the predominance of light at the bottom of the frame in reversal to nature's way of light skies up establishes a certain drama(?) to command attention.

    Juxtaposition of curves and hard lines and angles complements/ is_complemented_by the chirasco of the interior lights against the darker background.

    Allways a treat to see good vision well executed.

  2. Thanks Michael, glad you enjoy it. The place, Winter Harbor, is was at one time host to a commercial fish cannery, but now is a marina and campground for sport fishers. The evening is the return to land for the fishermen and time to clean and preserve the day's catch. The seagulls scavenge whatever they can as the discarded fish bits are tossed back into the water.

    It is indeed a beautiful place on a nice summer evening, and I tried to capture the beauty and mood.

  3. Very nice - both of them. I like this one better because of the framing effect, and the placement of the single flower in the other was a little awkward, but it may have been an artistic choice to provoke a little discomfort in the viewer.

    Kogi tribe

    Loving how the light in this series works on the faces, modeling the shape(s) without ugly shadows. Within this context, the angle/point-of-view gives enough context to support the images, and the expressions identify their humanity. People are the best!
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