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Posts posted by paul_tobin

  1. <p>Having read the posts on DX & FX theory, I would like to post a specific practical DX/FX-type question.<br />I want to use a Nikon D700 FX camera with a AF-S Nikkor 18-200 1:3.5-5.6 G ED DX lens. <br />For “best” results should I set the auto DX crop to ON or OFF using the menu.<br />Thanks for any information you can provide.</p>
  2. <p>Greetings to Those in the Know,<br>

    Perhaps the subject line says it all but I will include some additional details:<br>

    When I was editing photos using Photoshop Elements 6.0 (PSE 6.0) I had purchased a number of plug-ins from companies like Nik and Alien Skin which I found very helpful (as well as expensive ;-). When I purchased and installed PSE 8.0 I (wrongly?) assumed that these plug-ins would be transferred as well. But when I went to the filter menu in 8.0 my plug-ins were not listed.<br>

    Is there some way to import the plug-ins from the filter menu of PSE 6.0 directly into the filter menu of PSE 8.0? It is going to be a real bear for me to reinstall them one at a time in 8.0. To make matters worse, I am a relative computer Newbie. <br>

    Thanks for any help you can provide.<br>



  3. <p>

    <p>I just bought V2.0 Tiffen Dfx a week ago and was having a grand old time with it until I opened it up one day to find that the central window aka the viewer stopped showing the image I was working on. Instead there was a solid red rectangle that I cannot get rid of.<br />I found Tiffen’s support site a bear to get any help from so I am hoping that you could help me with any suggestions about the “red rectangle problem” or where I might go on the Internet to get some help.<br />I apologize for butting in with an off-topic question but honestly I am getting desperate since this plug-in is now useless.<br>

    I hope someone views this late addition re Tiffen Dfx. Otherwise I will try it as a new posting.</p>


  4. <p>

    <p>An acquaintance has asked me for advice for purchasing his first digital SLR. He is especially interested in nature macro-photography. He is experienced with film cameras.<br>

    Since it has been several years since I bought my digital SLR I am really not up-to-date on current bodies and lenses. Perhaps you can be of assistance. He does not want to spend more than $1500.<br>

    Thank you for any advise you can provide.</p>


  5. <p>

    <p>Greetings to Those in the Know,<br>

    I have the Epson R2400 printer and use Epson Luster finish paper.<br>

    My problem is that the ink on the print appears to have been applied too thickly. The ink jets seem to have squirted at least twice as much ink as needed giving the print an ugly painterly quality with every print.<br>

    I use Photoshop Elements 6 with a number of different plug-ins.<br>

    I have no clue about what to do at this point. Thanks for any help you can provide.<br>



  6. I just purchased Photoshop Elements 6.0 and wish to install the Color Mechanic

    Pro 2.0 plugin. It seems that just because I have installed this plugin doesn?t

    mean that it will magically appear in the filters folder of Elements ready to

    be used. Trouble is that I have no clear idea of the step-by-step procedure for

    getting the plugin into Elements so it will work. Can anyone with experience in

    this or for that matter, getting any Elements compatible plugin into the proper

    Elements folder give me step-by-step directions so that I can begin to use this

    plugin. Thanks for any help you can provide

  7. I just purchased a Dell XPS 720 with a 256MB NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GTS graphics

    card. I have a 20 inch Dell 2007WFPWide aspect digital flat panel display plus

    a 17 inch Dell with the same configuration. I am using Photoshop Elements 3.0.

    This is the first time I have attempted to go the dual monitor route. I am

    totally stuck when it comes to getting the image I am editing onto the 20 inch

    monitor and the palettes, drop down menus, and the various buttons onto the

    smaller monitor.

    Being a digital newbie I hope someone can take me through the steps or point me

    to a good illustrated tutorial that would do the same. Thanks for any clear

    information you can provide.

  8. I?m a bit confused about bit depth. If I scan a color slide at 16 bits, then

    edit it at 48 bits, then print it at 8 bits (default on my printer) does that

    mean that with everything converted to 8 bits I wasted my time scanning and

    editing at higher bit levels? The same question applies when I transfer my

    photos from my D200 to my computer at 14 bits. Thanks for any information you

    can provide.

  9. During the twenty years that I?ve spent using film cameras (both 35mm and 6x7)

    I never found diffraction to be a problem with the particular lenses I used at

    apertures of f/22 - f/32 for landscape photography. I recently purchased a

    D200 and upon reading some of the literature associated with this camera (such

    as Thom Hogan?s Complete Guide to the Nikon D200 on CD-ROM) I see that there

    are claims that apertures of f/13 are the smallest that are recommended. It

    seems that DOF doesn?t improve by stopping down any further and supposedly

    diffraction becomes more of an issue. What has been your experience with high

    quality digital SLR?s in this regard.

  10. Regarding card readers: I took a look at the Lexar site but it appears that my San Disk Extreme IV Flash Card 4 GB is not compatible. Do you happen to know if they make adapters?


    Regarding getting up to speed: I got into digital rather slowly. About a year and a half ago I bought a dedicated film scanner (Nikon Super Cool Scan 9000 ED) and an (Epson R2400) printer. I am using Elements 3.0 and am making good headway with it. I want the highest image quality possible which is why I chose NEF. I do not have any prints yet since I have not figured out how to transfer and handle these kinds of files. But once I do I feel I know enough to give NEF a shot.

  11. Greetings to Those in the Know:


    A week ago I bought my first digital camera, a Nikon D200, which is keeping me

    really busy trying to learn. I?m getting a pretty good handle on the camera

    operation but am really confused about the best way to transfer images to my

    computer. Since I want the best image quality possible I plan to shoot just

    RAW (NEF) files. Regarding file transfer, I don?t know if it?s best to use a

    card reader or a direct camera to PC hookup. I also don?t know what the best

    software is for accomplishing this. What information is available to describe

    the step-by-step procedure for getting this data into Photoshop Elements 3.0?

    Thanks for any help you can provide.

  12. Just wanted to add that I loved the NPZ 800 color palette in my Pentax 6x7, but found that at an ISO rating of 800 grain was visible at a 16x20 enlargement. When I overexposed by rating it about 650 the grain disappeared. I happily used it for some time before switching back to 35mm (Nikon F100) and color slide film (Fuji Provia 100F) scanned in a dedicated film scanner (Nikon Cool Scan 9000).
  13. I recently purchased the Photosecrets book on San Francisco & Northern California. It covered a lot of areas but so superficially that I found it pretty useless. PhotoTraveler and Photograph America are much better, especially Photograph America. I have been using them for years.
  14. I would like to obtain a monitor that is superior to my current one

    which is an old MAG Innovision 17� CRT. I was viewing John

    Shaw�s �Photoshop Field Guide� on CD, copyright 2004 and he

    recommended CRTs over LCDs and specified Vuescan�s P series. Being

    interested in a 19� one, I hunted around the net only to discover

    that they are discontinued. I did come across some refurbished ones

    at Vuescan�s Website but I�m not so sure about their quality. I�m

    wondering if the newer G series is comparable. I�ve been into

    digital for about six months and own a Nikon Cool Scan 9000 ED, an

    Epson R2400 printer, and am running PSE. I�d like to hear from you

    about what monitor to get that is comparable in quality to the

    equipment I already own. My photographic wallet is close to empty

    (about $450) so I�m not thinking of an LCD at this time.

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