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Image Comments posted by peterd

    Pretty flowers.

    You are close but you lack that crisp definition and that could be a matter of fstop, film speed, lens type whatever. A good first effort but see if you can get the flowers to be clear and crisp. You may want to consider a macro lens if you intend to do a lot of up close stuff but not a must. Keep shooting and I recommend you use fuji film. Velvia is killer for rich colors in good light and provia for many other applications. Order from www.bhphotovideo.com. They rock. Cheers and good shooting!!!!!! Oh try 100 speed.


    Seriously I love water lilies, namely in impressionism. What caught my eye her was the rich colors. Bravo there for seeing it to recognize the potential. But... this shot fails for the simple lack of clarity and a bigger scan would have been nice. Was it raining and are those water drops or specs on your lens that came through as some noise in your pic? Could have confused the AF a bit or maybe you need to just keep trying to nail the shot. I think you have a good eye, but you need to work out the delivery. Peter
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