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Posts posted by joel_matherson

  1. "I guess that I'm in "red-dot-envy!" On the "Remove The Red Dot Day," may I paint a red dot on my M2?"


    Should be no need to paint one one if there are all these people discarding their red dots. Red dot transplant?


    Its definately one of my pet hates are people who think they are noticed by other simply because they carry Leicas. Most people dont even know the brand these days. There is a weird paradox whereby some buy Leica M's for their steath abilities then those who have to cover theirs in tape thinking that everybody notices them with their Leicas. Your not being watched because your holding a Leica, your being watched for just about every other reason paranoid governments can think of but Leica possession was one of the few things that werent mentioned in the Patriot Act.

  2. "That plus the focus "pressure" does not feel consistent throughout the throw, it's easier in some portions, tougher in others"


    This was definately a problem with the first batch of 40mm Noktons made, mine had the same problem. I returned it and was sent one from the second batch as a replacement and it is consistant throughout. Voigtlander actually redesigned them after the first batch and you can see the differences when you look at the lenses side by side. So credit to Voigtlander for idetifying the problem so quickly and fixing it by the second batch.

  3. I love the 40mm focal length and collect alot of lenses and 70's rangefinders that have 40mm lenses. Definately my most widely used focal length. The 40mm Summicron/Rokkors and Voigtlander Noktons are incredible value for their performance.


    Love the title of the thread LOL!<div>00G6T2-29505984.JPG.f27a90670eac7db54d5a0008ee5b1899.JPG</div>

  4. "I suspect 40/2 Rokkor, which was based on the Wetzlar 40/2 Summicron design......."


    Sorry Allan but there is no evidence of this whatsoever. The 40mm Rokkor for the Leitz Minolta CL was released at the exact same time as the Summicron in 1973. There is no proof where the design exactly originates. Now its true that the 7SII was made after the CL lenses were introduced but the 7S that preceeded it did come before them. Minolta had been making the fast 40mm lenses for Hi Matics for sometime prior. We also know Leica had every intention of equipping the CL with an Elmarit 40mm f2.8 whose optical perfomance wasnt up to scratch and was abandoned. Minolta always intended to put a faster 40mm lens on their version of the CL. Since Minolta already made faster 40's and Leica hadnt even attempted that focal length before (apart from the Elmarit that wasnt much chop) its more likely that it was more a Minolta design rather than a Leitz one and that when the Elmarit wasnt up to expectations they went with a similar lens to that Minolta had in mind. Since both CL 40's released at the same time and being identical in optical perfomance barrel design with the only difference being the filter thread size, its clear Minolta did not copy it but at very least Leitz and Minolta designed this lens together and made it together and even shared parts.


    The lens in the 7SII was the last evolution of the 40mm f1.7 that Minolta had been making since the 60's. I consider it to be one of the best 40mm lenses placed in the fixed lens rangefinders of that period as its picture quality will attest too. Allan is right though that tolerance quality between the CL Rokkors and the 7SII are different but if both are within spec I doubt you could tell on an 8X10 without a very keen eye one picture from the other.

  5. "If that's the case, why don't they come up with a digital rangefinder, why sticking with film ? Do they know something we don't know ?"


    Zeiss always stated that they had digital in mind and that the lenses were designed with this intent. They have said that they wont produce a Digital Ikon however till it can be done with a full frame sensor. They suveryed their market and thats what most rangefinder users want. Sure if there is nothing else some users will accept a crop factor but by and large full frame is what users want so I believe their survey to be accurate. Zeiss therefore needed a camera to release with their range of lenses so what better way than a tried and true film model. As someone else stated above its also a great technology stepping stone for them in camera bodies.

  6. They may have been close to Cosina but they are full of it. Those analoge guages do not cost anywhere near that. They simply would not have incorprated them had that been the case. The Nikon 35Ti used an alalogue system and the whole camera cost that amount. I think someone is just making excuses to reflect some of the critisms of the cameras high price. If the price is droping by 1000 dollars does that mean the guages cost half? No sorry I just dont believe it.
  7. "How about the Rollei 35? If you don't leave the shutter cocked you can't retract the lens!"


    I cant stop laughing John, you have just Leica mythbusted! A camera that has to be cocked to even fit in its own case and stored. Definately cut and dry mythbusted LOL!

  8. "A Leica is about the only camera that you can store for a long time even with the shutter cocked. It won't get damaged."


    I just love claims like that. Its nice people out there have tried every camera out there to make such assertions. I dug an old Nikon F out of a box where it had remained cocked for at least 10 years, fired first go. Maybe it had Leica springs.

  9. "The focusing cam of the lenses for Leica CL or Minolta CLE are semplified than focusing cam of the normal Leica M lens "


    Sorry but this statement is wrong. All CLE lenses were equiped with regular M focusing cams. Although I have never ever encountered a problem with focusing the Summicron on a non CL camera if you have any doubts get the CLE Rokkor with a regular M cam. I say this because if you have a doubt in your mind then that will get the blame for ever focusing error you have LOL It will just save you sending yourself potty with doubt.


    All the 40's are good lenses. Having the 2 Rokkors and the Summicron, I cannot find that one flares more than the other. I am one who doubts the claim that only CLE Rokkors are Multicoated. Either Rokkor also has the advantage of having 40.5mm filters that are easier to find. CLE Rokkors in generaly good condition can be found for 250 USD. Bargain in Anyones book.

  10. To prevent scratching the top cover with a screwdriver when your trying to pop the cap put some clear sticky tape over the pug and press the taped down with your finger. Because the plug is raised there is a slight ring around the plug you can see through the tape. Insert the small jewelers screwdriver into this area through the tape itself. The plug will pop up slightly but not ff because its under the tape. Peel the tape away and the plug with still be attached to it so you wont loose it.


    The is a basic screw adjustment for the horizontal and as Alan has said a tiny cog standing upright with teeth that you turn to adjust the verticals.


    Very Very Slight turns, this cant be emphasized enough.

  11. This lens is probably the most sought after in the Nikon Rangefinder line and one of the most expensive. 1500 were made. Both in LTM and Nikon S mount. This lens had the highest resolution of any lens in their rangefinder line and the same formulation when into a Nikon F version and started the legendary Micro Nikkor line.


    It was designed to be used with special dedicated Nikon Copy stands and frames which effectively outlined where you were to position the subject in front of the lens. The Close up Attachment for the Nikonos uses a similar principle using frames that clip to the end of the lens that alows you to frame the subject underwater and you dont need to look through the viewfinder. You simply hold it up to the subject and shoot. They are several frames offered for different reproduction ratios.

  12. "Curious. Don't the M4 and M7 have the same advance lever? The M7 is obviously still in production. Strange"


    Im sure if you asked for an M7 lever then they would have said yes straight away but your initial request for one off an M4 threw them and they said no and then realized hey now that we think about it they are the same we can do that after all and just supplied what you wanted. This is just one of the things that happens when a person builds your camera rather than a robot production line. Either that or they knew all along and just wanted to give ou a special surprise when you opened the box, and if so they succeeded!

  13. That's what I got. Is it still sharp, etc.?


    Also, will it focus correctly on my M4-P?


    Yes its a sharp lens. Test reports when new showed that this lens has a more even sharpness over the entire picture area, being sharper at the edges than the Elmar-C and Rokkor-C. It lost some slight performance in the center as a trade off however. As someone has pointed out above its unlikely in practice other than test charts you could pick the difference.


    It definately will focus on your M4-P as it was built with conventional M cams the same as Leicas M lenses. The Leitz-C and Rokkor-C lenses use a steep cam system that when introduced it was claimed may have had some focusing problems although most users seem to think they focus fine. Your lens however has no doubts at all in this respect that it will focus correctly.


    Its a nice compact lens and well made. You have not lost out in any way that it was made in Japan by Minolta. (Who knows now that Minolta is gone it could become a rare collectors item!)

  14. "I have used this over the weekend but I must admit it feels a bit lightweight in terms of finish."


    Sorry but the finish of the Elmar-C is every bit and solid as any other Leica lens. It even has a thicker heavier chrome mount similar to the much larger 135 TE. The other 90mm of the period the Compact 90 TE f2.8 actually weighs less than the Elmar-C so if your not happy with the build quality of that lens you wont be happy with the Compact TE. On the price however I think you paid a bit too much for the Elmar-C. I would only go for the other lens if you need something faster.

  15. "but if you are buying for long term, ZI seems not to service their cameras. Mark Hama just put new curtains in my 111f for $177"

    So the camera is just new out and you claim there is not service offerred for it when they come with warranties, in comparison to a LTM camera which Leica themselves doesnt service anymore as a reason to buy a Leica over ZM? I love this forum, fact, truth and logic seems to be as acurate as American foreign policy.

  16. "With greatest respect for our Aussie confre's(sp) I reckon you will do better on the net internationally, not ebay."


    I have to disagree with this, it does seem that way but if you look closer you find bargains here as well as ripoffs just like anywhere else. If anything on Ebay the prices for Leica are inflated from bidding from the USA. When sellers specify Australia only the prices are often far more reasonable.

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