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Image Comments posted by john-stricklen


    This is a wonderful shot! I think the tree on the right is a little too much - I might try cropping it out, in the gap between the trees there. The other thing that distracts me is that the bridge doesn't seem quite level in the frame. It slopes down to the right a little. But I love the misty mountains and the quiet peaceful setting of the bridge.


    I like the dark and misty mood in your original. In the lighter version submitted, the foreground takes too much of my attention and the cliffs seem to lose their dominance and mystique. Maybe just a touch more light in the grasses up front would be ok, but not too much.

    Seeing her Soul

    I'm not sure I like the softening - personal preference but I don't think its necessary for a child's perfect skin. Nice shot and good tonality. I'm a little put off by the blown out area on the forehead, I think caused by the "glow filter" if I'm not mistaken. Good shot, really - I'm not trying to be picky.

    see you

    Very nice composition. I love the swirls of feathers on the bird's head and the way the black lines converge in the lower part of the pic.


    Very nice. I might have tilted up a little to exclude the immediate foreground and include a little more of the beautiful sky color. But this is great as it is.
  1. Very nicely done. Personally I prefer the color version, but I agree that the overexposed leaves are a little too much. I like the B&W version and how well done it is. If you could find a way to keep the detail under the rocks and still burn down the leaves that would be the best of both worlds.
  2. Nice shot. I find the thing on the left a little distracting. If you could get a little more light on the mushroom to help separate the stem from the background it might help. Also, you might try compositions that would include more or less of the thing (whatever it is). This might help isolate the mushroom or show it more in the context of where it is. These are just suggestions. This is a very nice shot just the way it is.
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