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  1. The lens is not on it's way back to the workshop. We'll see .... The previous damage of the lens was -I think- not caused by the mirror.
  2. I’m new here, thank you for accepting me. My first post has a mystic title. Because the problem is rather odd. Hasselblad 500C/M fully serviced Planar 80 fully serviced + the back lens exchanged (originall lens had damage) When I make an exposure with this lens set at a position between infinitve and -about- 8 meter, the mirror does not release completely after the exposure. I know that the connection between the lens and the body should make this happen, but for some reason this mechanism is stuck. But only between 8 and infinitive. Of course I have checked the same camera with two other lenses -150 and 40 mm also fully serviced- with these lenses the above problem did not occur, everything as normal. I made a video that shows what happens. The image shows the mechanical part that transfers function to the casing with the mirror mechanism. I suspect that this part (on the lens) is not moving free anymore but I think it’s odd that it only happens between 8 meters and infinity set on the distance dial. Before I send the lens back to the firm that did an overhaul and changed the back lens element on the Planar 80 I want to know what could be going on. So my question here, if someone has an idea. What could be wrong with the Planar 80, can I do something simple myself? thank you so much for reading my post regards Hans (Sweden)
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