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Great shot, Dave. It can be interpreted in any way. I see it as some sad kid who misplaced something special. Great work, my friend. Regards, Lawrence.
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What a find.... ! I knew the story about the birth of Jesus that was placed by his mother in the manger...


“She wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger because there was no room for them in the inn” (Luke 2:7). "


I don't know how and where you have found this one, but it looks like the story became some sort of modern reality. I see it as a strong composition, not only because of the story , but because there are children dolls ? with Jesus name, probably important for the family that bought it, and than tossed it to a place like that? I wonder if you have just found it by accident or someone used it as a symbol....


Made me curious....;-)) Interesting juxtaposition, Dave.

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There was this weed-choked lot that used to be public housing. The dreadfully depressing place was demolished except for one building (another recent post) and a fence enclosed with the customary "No Trespassing" signs, etc. But I saw a tear in the chain link, and as I popped through it I spotted this laying on the ground. It's a very cheap (or possibly home-made thing. My guess is that a church might have made a bunch of them to hand out to little kids. Well, you know my sentiments about religion, but even without that there was some feeling that I always have about discarded items and their unspeakable and unknowable histories. The fact that it was laying in the weeds, gave birth to the manger concept. I'm also quite fond of the reddish stain above the toy and the hand/arm positioning is fitting as well. Thanks for checking out my insanity.
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Thank you dear friend. Just one more artifact on the road to life's end. But an interesting one at that.
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David, great to see you back & posting your provoking images! i am guessing that doll was probably made in Bible school. with the red stain there, this makes me think how much the church focuses on Jesus either as the babe in the manger or the blood sacrifice on the cross, and then people toss him aside when those ideas don't have value in real life. so often the church neglects the things he taught, and use him just as a symbol. i know you are not a believer, but to me the true value of Jesus is in his teachings.
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And thanks for taking a look at my meagre offerings. I'm not going to turn this into a discussion of religion as you, I and all the rest have quite divergent views. I just thought it was a fun image, and the processing (although to much for many, I'm sure) was a fun bit of play. As is true with almost any image on Pnet, it should be seen large to get a feel for it. Cheers
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David, when you put up and image with a discarded Jesus, you are bound to get some religious interpretations. i'm not trying to drag you into a discussion of religion, but just sharing what this brings up for me. whether intentional or not, i still think this is a provacative image...a good thing in my book!
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Of couorse you are right. I don't think I expressed myself very well in my previous comment to you. All I meant is that most of my Pnet friends know quite well what my views are when it comes to religion, so I was meaning that I wasn't going to bludgeon and bore you guys with my views. If the image provokes some response of any kind I'm happy. And yes, it is bound to provoke some religiously based thought. Sorry I did not explain myself very well. I certainly did not mean to take you to task.
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Looks like a crime scene to me with the blood and so on....well a bit provocative indeed but I must admit I like it very much...with due respect for people for whom religion is important...
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So was Jesus made in God's image or was he made in the image of a semi-amorphous blue quasi-teddy bear ? Christianity is so full of unanswered questions.


You must have been extremely pleased to find this little bible story lying there waiting to be captured. If I believed in divine intervention this would be a fine example.


If this were my shot I would consider cropping the right side slightly to get away from the bulls-eyed effect of the son of God's position in the frame. On second thought, if this were my shot I would be too thrilled to care about such matters. I agree that the stain is a great touch as is the bent metal rail along the top of the image. I like your PP , it does not seem over-cooked to my eye. There is an oddly understated elegance to the balance between the vibrant colours and the unsaturated surroundings.

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If this were your shot, I have no doubt that you would have tossed the jesusbear into the air and taken the shot as he obeyed the laws of gravity. Thus obtaining one more of your blur shots for posterity. Fortunately it was I'm the one who came upon the scene to tenderly record this heinous misdeed of sacrilege. ☺☻
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it almost seems like divine intervention...as you never seem to have a shortage of interesting finds such as this one to share. mostly, i just find discarded beer bottles when i'm out shooting... jg
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