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Walking Down Passeig de Gràcia, Barcelona


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Amy, I get the idea here of the man walking against the flow. But I don't seem to find anything that really pulls me into the picture. Others are likely to see more here than I do.
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Hey Doug - thanks for the comment. Yeah, I'm not so sure myself about this photo. What I like, is not the man walking against the flow (didn't think of it that way) but more the symmetry of the people. It was meant to be a documentary - a moment on the boulevard - but I liked the arrangement of people. But, I agree, not very strong, perhaps weak (but I do like it, none-the-lses). Thanks for your honesty!
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This is one of the more articulate images I've seen in recent times. In other words, it speaks volumes, has a terrific design flow and is really about as much of the whole as it is of each individual in the image. Tremendous in your vision and sensitivity to conceive and capture this!
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I like this one very much. It's really not necessary to speculate what this picture "means". It is what it is: a moment in time, fortuitously caught. The spacing of the passersby, their attitudes and especially the fact that you have caught them all in full stride (lucky, lucky!) give the picture it's rhythm.
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Jack - how right you are. I caught them all in full stride. A lucky moment. Seems that much of photography - at least as practiced by me - is that way. Some planning (as here, I certainly chose the location and framing), and a little luck. I've got a digital camera and shots are free - if it were film, I might not be so lucky. But indeed, I did not sit and say, "I want all to walk by in this pose..." But then, that is so much the fun of shooting, and the fun of seeing what you've gotten - real life is hard to plan.
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Or, as is often expressed, "the better I am, the luckier I get." Good luck definitely goes to the one prepared to receive it. Jack
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I like the way all of their legs are the same pattern. they are all different groups, ages, errands, going in two directions, some looking up, some down. What is good is that they are all in the same street in the same city. There are some interesting details; why is he carrying a street map? You have an eye for these pieces of urban life.
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