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brilliant! - and then you see the cast on the woman's foot, and it is really something... ~ great catch.
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Great catch and fast work on your part. Says a lot.

I love this kind of pic and hope to do better at it with my new Olympus c-5500 sports camera.

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I'm envious that you should be able to see such a thing and react so quickly.


I can only imagine you, maybe across a street or somewhere distant with a longer lens, waiting, watching the older woman and timing the stride of the younger woman until she was 'just so', and 'snap' goes your shutter.


And some people will call this a 'lucky snap' or some such, when it's a skilled execution by a photographer with excellent foresight who anticipated a situation and just waited for the proper juxtaposition.


You have my kind of thinking and my great envy and respect.


(You caught them just right)


John (Crosley)

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Thank you John, My Best Regards :)

I took it with a small point dogital and shoot camera. Yes, I saw these two women coming and I waited till they made a composition that suited me most.

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Far and away your best photograph. You pack so much commentary in such a small frame that it almost looks posed. There is a famous photo of Henri Cartier-Bresson of wwii, in which a young officer is walking into the frame while a diabled veteran is walking out. This picture is along the same vein, but this picture, IMO, achieves so much more, from the impatient expression on the face of the young woman, and her body language which screams "out of my way", to the calm, patient demeanor of the older lady. Closer inspection shows that the older lady has a bad right leg, and is weighed down by the burden of her life's possessions, while the young lady seems in a BIG hurry to go get what the older lady has. A wonderful comment on all of us.
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An interesting thought! that one day not too far we would be like one of them in maturity of our body!
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