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Bird-flight in motion.


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Weather was a little over-cast and I had my camera set to auto but I

did not expect the shutter to slow down quiet so much. This bird was

sitting on a fence and took off just as I took this photo. I could

tell how I carefully set the camera for this effect but I would not

be telling the truth although I do like the end result. How about

you. Please leave your comments. Thanks for looking.

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Perhaps someone should start a "This Bird Has Flown" website to which we could all post our fleeing bird pictures. I have a lot more pictures of birds flying out of the frame than into it, however. Nice colors anyway.
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Steve- I always talk about something in photos I call "essence". I know it confuses most people because they soon give me this "Blank" stare. I'm not sure I have chosen the right word, Essence. But.... this image has Essence. While the bird may be blurred, it is still recognizable. The wings are obviously moving, giving one the impression of flight of forward motion. The blurred diagonal lines in the background also perpetuate this same motion.


There is something about this I really like. The bird's eye is still recognizabel thru the wing flutter. That's really cool, kind of angel like. It captures the bird's essence. Cool!

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Reminds me of the movie "bird hit by baseball" that's circuating on the net... But it's a pretty cool effect, I must admit.
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Cool. SOmetimes too-long exposure shots are those really great ones, that are worth making a history of. This is one of them, definitely!!!
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