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The Monster...


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The big machine and that awesome sky make a powerful composition, wish you had more detail on the machine, 6/7
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I also was thinking the tractor seems a bit dark. It also occurred to me that there is another composition within your already fine composition. For your consideration...

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I agree with David about the harvester a bit dark, and I find your black and white version very much impressive (I don't find it in your portfolio. Have you deleted it ?)
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Una bella e ben curata immagine Francesco. Cmq anche io la trovo un po' scura nella parte della macchina e prenderei in considerazione la versione di David Miller, mi sembra che in B&N abbia piu' efficacia che non a colori.



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Immagine molto bella, con i colori saturi come piacciono a me e a te. Se proprio dobbiamo cercare il pelo nell'uovo, il mostro 蠬eggermente sottoesposto e con poco dettaglio, magari con PS...
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Francesco, very impressive together with the clouds, I like as well the B/W version. Pnina
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sembra una foto spaziale, Francesco. Come osa quel mostriciattolo intromettersi in quelle belle nubi? Originale e ben fatta.
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Guest Guest


Great machine in the field dear Francesco. I love the blue sky and texture of the clouds in contrast with the ground :)

Grazie tante caro amico :)


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