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My first nude


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Nude and Erotic

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La foto es buena pero a mi esa imagen me atormenta un poco, mi vista la rechaza. No tengo tanta costumbre de entrar en un quirofano....
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Nada de accidente !! Es mi paciente justo antes de empezar. Acaban de impregnarla de Betadine y por eso tiene la piel brillante, algunas manchas en la cara y goterones que le caen por el hombro y cuello .....pero esta sanisima
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I like this one a lot! Curra que me gusta mucho, desde la perspectiva hasta ese brillo "metalico" de su piel. Si no hubiera sido por tu explicacion, tambien habria pensado como Luis que era un accidente, y eso si que puede crear bastante rechazo a primera vista. Pero vamos que te lo estas pasando genial con la camarita!
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?Fant᳴ica Curra! Coincido con Charo en el encuadre y la textura. Me ha podido tanto la belleza de la imagen, de la toma, que no ha dejado espacio para pensar en accidentes ni quir�fanos. Despues de ver esta foto creo que voy a caer en la tentaci�n de ingresar en el club de la Leica mini.
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Todo perfecto, exposicion, composicion,iluminacion, pero lo mejor es que sin ser un tragico accidente la imagen es extremadamente dura.
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La foto es muy buena en todos los sentidos, pero desde luego sobrecogedora. Aunque la operacion sea rutinaria y no traumatica, no deja de impresionar a los profanos en la materia.
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Ya era hora que todo el talento fotográfico, blanquinegro y analógico de nuestra admirada maestra digital saliese con fuerza!

Que fuerza!!

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Tremanda fotografia!!...el angulo es excelente asi como la tonalidad y no se diga la profundidad que le da la iluminacion (un pelin sobre-expuesta en la cara)...Te felicito!..te quedo de artista!
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Not for the squeamish. You've captured my worst nightmare with such finesse and delicacy that it is almost beautiful -- and terrifying! --jim
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Hello Marina, this was a bit of a shock until I looked at the folder and the rest of your work.


As a photograph, it's got everything, the lighting, tones and details are all superb. You see just enough of the subject/patient for empathy and the ECG point suggests the seriousness of the situation. Excellent reportage.


I'm glad my office is not like yours.


Very best wishes. Peter

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Photos of patient and then posting them on line, Shame on you.Being in the medical field also this is not done...
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Wonderful photo Curra, it is delicate as Jim wrote above, but at the same time full of pathos, extremely dramatic indeed. One of your best photos altogether, I would say a photon! I wish I was able to make a strong and intense photo such as this one. Technically I think it is superb, the skin is masterfully rendered and the tones and contrasts are perfect. The burned parts, her neck mainly, are necessary to make it as dramatic as it is.


Did you remark that always inquisitors appear that read you the rules and talk you about moral principles that are nothing more that the expression of their own fears?


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Guillermo -My statement above was NOT meant to offend only to admonish. Apparently patient's rights in South America & Spain are different than in North America.


Marina- While I think it is technically an exceptional image, I do find the title (My First Nude) flippantly offensive, especially when one takes into consideration that this is an image of a vulnerable preop patient.


In my country, if you had taken this image of me or my loved one ( at such a vulnerable time, preop) without a written consent and then posted it on the web for the world to view with the title, " My First Nude", you'd most assuredly be sued for HUGE amounts of money. It would not matter if your intentions were completely honorable. You & the facility that allowed you to take this image would be in violation of the patient's right and would end up paying big time. You might even loose your license to practice medicine. I am interested to know, exactly what kind of medical professional are you? I can't tell from your photos & lack of bio.


I just can't imagine that medical ethics in South America & Spain, is so hugely different than what is accepted in my country. Are the patients rights really so different, or as I suspect, you have violated the rules of ethics in your country too? Take it down!

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To admonish is precisely what I am pointing to. Two considerations here: in the first place why do you think that Marina did not get permission from her patient to take and publish this photo? An admonition, as you call it, implying that she is acting wrongly is simply offensive. How can you write: < I suspect, you have violated the rules of ethics in your country too> when you dont even know what are the rules in Marinas country? It is not sane to think the worst of people; this is precisely what inquisitors always have done. In the second place I dislike the way you write about moral standards, I dont think that your legal practices are a universal norm, less an ethical one. It is a well-known fact that in your country exists the habit to sue for everything you dont like, but that is not a moral standard it is just an inability to settle disputes in a more mature way.
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I can live with the highlights on her neck, but I would give a try for some tiny burning on the face. But I also recognize that it could decrease the drama of this picture.


I have to admit that I find the image quite shocking.


I don't see a frail body, rather someone fighting for her life. The image has a lots of dynamics and tension: it transmits strength.


Actually, if it was me on that shot, I would like to have a copy of it... expecially after reading the description of her status :)

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"I just can't imagine that medical ethics in South America & Spain..."


Well, they might be. As morals might be different. I would also consider more appropriate to say "Europe and Spain" than "South America and Spain": Spain has much more similarities to Italy and France rather than Mexico or Argentina.


I don't share your point of view or your feelings. But it would help much more asking "did you have a model release?" if you are concerned about it, rather than saying "I cannot imagine [..] take it down".


You have to accept that other people's or country's point of views might differ from yours and be equally good.

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Guillermo- I agree, other countries cultural morays define what is acceptable behavior in their country. This does not make it just. For example: Woman all over the globe are being treated as second class citizens. So, I should accept this and go on? I think not! The times they are a changing. The world is getting smaller. Each human beings inalienable rights should, and eventually with time, will be respected by all.


Medical ethics 101 (conforming to accepted professional standards of conduct) is the first step in the right direction. If Marina is a medical professional & some how procured a medical release prior to taking this image, she should have stated that, up front! I stand my ground. I feel it is unacceptable behavior to exploit any patient. This IS exploitation of a medical patient, no matter whether we like the image or not. So back off! I'm a RN and my middle name is "Patient Advocate".


Frivolous suing in the USA is out of control. I agree. However, patient exploitation for personal gain (especially titled so flippantly, "My First Nude") is wrong in any country, not just mine. Are any of you medical professionals? If not, bite your lip and hush!


Bruno- You might like to see things like this, but it's just not your right!


Medical Ethics is very similar in most countries because the USA educates a vast majority of Physicians world wide. Cultural morays may be different, but medical ethics is not & should not be any different. When you become a medical professional you MUST conform to accepted professional standards of conduct, whether you like it or not! Yes, it may be different than what is culturally accepted in your country, but it is Medical Ethics, not cultural ethics.


I ask Marina:

1- Did you get a release from the patient/family?

2-If you did, do you think it is ethical (not moral) to display the image on the web?

3-If you didn't, don't you think you should have?

4-And the title "My First Nude" is it NOT a little flippant when you consider the patient's situation?


The title is more offensive to me than the image. Fortunately, the image does not show naked breasts or genitals. So technically, it's not a nude image.


Jump in here Marina, it's your image and you titled it.


I like to think I live in a world that is just & caring. I refuse to think any differently just because a few ignorant individuals muddy up the waters. I still have faith in the human race. Thoughts have amazing powers. If you think it's so, most times it can be!

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Di'ganos que paso', Marina. ?Co'mo esta' la paciente? Entonces di'ganos la historia de la foto.


[i wish that they would get these ridiculous accent marks fixed.]


Jayme has made some strong points, folks. Respond to her moral challenge rather than attacking her.



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