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Unnatural woods 1

This picture comes from a forest planted by man, probably for futur lumber production. It's a very unatural looking forest as it spans for about half a mile on the side of a highway. It's an almost interesting experience to drive by one of these at high speeds, as it might make you remember all those Sega OutRun games you probably played in the past. Anyway, there are also intersting things to do with a camera here so on this very cloudy day I took the time to stop my car and pull out my Canon Powershot G2 and FT3 Nikkormat with it's 80 mm lense on BW Ilford 400 (hope that one turns out as well). I took a few shots with the G2 at 100 ISO before judging what I would need to do with the Nikkormat. I used a shutter speed of 1/125 at f2.5 If I could do it again I would use a tighter aparature since I also had problems with depth of field and strong light. Only on my computer screen did I notice it was actually a bit brigther that I wanted, and that the focus was just slightly off even though I used a tripod. I used an imaging software to sharpen the image, add the sepia toning and render a different type of lighting, producing this very earie effect.


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I think you misspelled the title.


Nice shot. Although you were not sure about the lighting, I think you got it right.


Especially with the "yard trash" in the middle, broken limbs, etc, I think it conveys a desolate theme.

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I think you did a great job with the effects. This photo caught my eye right away. It brings to mind so many fantasy novels I've read in my past and I expect to see some elves gliding through the trees.

Good job

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I am sort of against digital manipulation as people usually overuse it, but i got to say that you made a very good job. You did it just right.
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I see what you are saying about dof and I agree. All in all it is a neat picture and original. I can see a big ogre chasing me through the center path, if I can just make it to the clearing!!! :) Somehow I think some more detail would have made it even better. I do like it though.
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Very very nice !

makes me feel lost within that mysterious forest...

I think that what makes this picture great is the perspective and the path of light at the top of the trees. Very nice !

Thank you

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Great shot Patrick-Michel...the lighting contributes to creepy Blair witch environmentit is truly artistic!
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I love the mood brought out by the shot. It creates a rather sinister feel to the woods, one that I wouldn't care to explore in late at night. The tall woods surrounding the narrow path heighten the foreboding I get from it. Clever shot! I am not as keen on the digital manipulation, but it appears well-suited. What was it that you mentioned was done with the lighting?
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disclaimer: art is subjective, and i understand that.


but... this is a stunning piece of work. i am not one for glowing praise, and i don't think that my appreciation is because i have some hidden affinity for forests that might influence the impact this photograph.


the main point is this: this picture is technically and visually beautiful - moving. it is a masterpiece.


the second point is that it floors me that people actually have the balls to rate it so low (but i've suspected that there are those on this site that cannot appreciate a superior photograph, because by doing so would impact their own self-image.)


i am stunned by this photograph.



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I'm usually not thrilled with PhotoShop manipulation... but it "makes" the image in this case. The other photos in your folder are pretty straight forward and don't convey a mood as well as this one. I'd love to see more manipulated images added to your portfolio.

Thanks for sharing it.


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Wow.... I mean it. This is different and I happen to be a "strange is good" type of person. This is eerie...and wonderful. Aside from that it is also technically good. Texture and depth - and just look at that lighting! Nice work!
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I'd hate to go down this path then to meet a bear coming the other way...one of us would have to turn around...and I don't think it would be him. [g]

Great Image.

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A great moody photograph. Any photo that evokes an emotional response or feeling(as this one certainly does) is great, regardless of technical qualities, use of imaging software or anything else.
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