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Over 250,000 people turned out for the 'make poverty history' march,

on Saturday the 2nd of July, in Edinburgh.

The G8 meet at Gleneagles Hotel on Wednesday.

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I don't agree with the statement this image is making but that is politics and I am supposed to comment on the photo itself :)


As far as the photo goes, I like your composition bu would have liked to have seen more of the sign on the right havign not cut off the month and rest of the copy on the bottom.


I also like that you were able to capture the second poster on the upper left. The image tells a story and is powerful. Shot as B&W also adds to the drama in my opinion.

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Thanks Norman. I do hope that my photographs make people think. I've tried to cover as much of the G8 weeks as I can (as a demonstrator and photographer), and I'm trying to put together a series of photographs on my web site that fairly represent the week. It's hard in these situations to get composition etc spot on, and sometimes things just come together by accdient. I'm glad you generally like it, even if you don't agree with the sentiment.



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A very powerful shot. I had to ask myself after reading your above statement one thing. Could I shoot such an event, as a photographer and a demonstrator, and do it fairly without showing my own personal agenda or politics? I personally don't think I could do it, but I look forward to seeing more of your work from the G8. Thanks for sharing.JH
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Jim, what I mean't is to show what I saw in a balanced way. Sure there was some violence and agression (from both protestors and the police), but I'm not going to focus on that (unlike the mainsteam media), I want to portray what I saw as a whole. Hoping to load some more images onto my site at www.photoecosse.net later tonight. Then on Monday it's back to the day job, lord knows when this project will be finnish.

Anyway thank-you for your comments Jim.

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