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Fashion/Portrait (Classical Approach)

a. a.

Film photography. No digital work. 10% crop or less if any. Forgive the noise caused by low quality of scanning.

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Mah sister is COVERED in MOLES.......


Now really, I like this. It is very sharp and very well exposed. On the one hand, the blue vase in the painting is somewhat distracting and on the other it sure sets off the model's wonderfully blue eyes so I guess I'd call the vase a plus. The items behind her lower in the frame are another matter. They are quite distracting and serve no purpose. Very nice.

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Nice framing within a frame by placing her in the pale green 'emptiness'. That curl, used in a number of her photos so well, urge the view downward, accelerated by the placement of the arms and the ommission of the hands. The subtle band of blue on her leg starts the journey back up the outter left side.


Really well done.


If I may ask, in retrospect how do you feel about the intensity of the light on her arms, especially her right one? Did you use it to create seperation?


Thanks for all your participation.


Very Best Regards,



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Thank you for the note. I welcome any unusual and natural marks on my models. It keeps them real and beautiful and natural all at the same time. I do not plan to abuse the the marks however I notice them before shoot and cherish them during the session. Steven has answered your other point.






You truly deserve my explanation. I'm flattered by your great observations and appreciate them a lot. You surprise me every time. It's almost un canny how you recognize some of my little personal touches in the photographs. For example the curl in the series. I requested it from my make up artist and thought about it before starting the shoot and since my model is French I tried to accomplish a sense of extravagance of detail orientations of "Balzac" poetries in the images...as you probably know "Balzac" could go on and on for pages describing simple beauty of a valley or eyes of his subjects. I decided on subtle colors to keep everything natural. The intensity of light on the arm was exactly used for creating additional separation however it seems overly done in the digital version and you have noticed it nicely. Even in hard copy it seems too bright but much better than what you see here.




Any way thank you for the great feedback. I would like to see some work by you in fashion section. It should be very interesting.




Kind regards,





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Being the one I like the most of all the series of this model, and knowing that you plan everything in detail, I dare to say that the only thing that I found somehow distracting is that the eye is a bit dark. But then again, it adds something to the image.

Other than that, this one is perfect.



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Thank you for the nice observations (in my other images as well) and kind feedbacks.


If you mean her left eye then I kind of like it darker but if you mean her right eye you are right.

However I used only natural lighting (and some basic reflections in some other images) so I tried my best to get the right eye as clear as possible but if I was changing the exposure then the right arm would've been even lighter and if I was changing the position of my model the moment would've been gone since as you know even though I plan my style and shots they are still getting done in a very candid atmosphere to keep the shots as unique and real as possible. (of course I have shots getting done in overly posed manners as well but this one was not one of them.)


Thank you very much again and looking forward to read more critiques from you.


Kind regards




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I like this shot. The nice natural light, the fact that you can read her eye (at least one) and that the blue eyes are complemented by the blue in the painting on the wall (planned or not).
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Misha, I rather like the background for this shot. Although I would suggest a bit more blur for the background, the environment works well here. I feel like I am looking at a celebrity in her surroundings.
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