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Horse and girl nuzzle


This image was takes while looking for a feature photo for the days next paper. I was getting overall backed off shots of the horse and his rider rinding downtown in the middle of the street when a girl came out of a store and started petting the horse. At first I thought, "Great! She's stopped him from riding!" And then she started to pet him and I saw this image later on the light table. Nikon F-5, 80-200S 2.8 Fuji 200 color scanned in as B+W.

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Wow, her hair and the fur & maine of the horse go well together. A touching moment, well captured. Great composition and I like the grain.
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I think this is a killer shot... thank you for sharing it with us. I would like to see the color version if there is one to be had... something tells me that it too (if in existence) would be a sight to behold... BRAVO.
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Dan there's little not to like in your impressive portfolio : but the tenderness here where girl meets horse, and those contours, are just wonderful.
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Good idea to make it black and white: the tones and texture of the horse and the girl's hair are very similar. This certainly is one of the reasons why this picture is so powerful.
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Trite subject, but a _great_ composition. Texture, graphic layout, it's all really nice. I might want to burn down the white bit between the two of them, it seems a little distracting, but that's just a quibble and I could change my mind if I saw it. Excellent cropping, as well.


(though, again, no deep meaningful reaction to girl and horse conceptually)

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It's almost as if you can't tell where the image of the horse ends and the image of the girl begins...I love the way it flows. The grain in black and white seems to add so much. Beautiful...
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I have changed my mind.

I had though that this was almost perfect.

Now I realize that it IS perfect. Wow. goddamned perfect.

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Simply Perfect! The coloured version (if excisting) will never be as good. The tenderness and the magic of this composition would suffer of it. I would like this one on a wall in my livingroom!
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I think the idea and the composition of this image deserves a much higher average rating than just 7.xx. The grainy texture added to the image simply enhanced the warm mood already conveyed from the image.
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I have a horse, am around horses all the time, am always looking for THE shot to come along, and here it came to you! This is awesome. The thing that captures me the most is the horse's eye. It's shut in an expression of what seems to be bliss. This doesn't usually happen unless a carrot is involved! I like the S curve of the girl's hair, the fact that the horse is a palomino and apparently so is she, and the matching textures. Congratulations on having the eyes that would see this as it was happening!
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