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Retro nude #01 (series)


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From the category:

Nude and Erotic

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You've nailed the lighting - ! Aesthetics being per taste, of course...ahem.


Can't help but wonder what you'd fetch for one of these. Niche-market shoppers with fat wallets?

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Excellent composition but the lighting is too much. The shadows on both sides of the nose denote lamps from both sides of the set and I feel there is not enough mystery to suggest a retro style. Paul
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I don't like it. I believe that it is an excessively conventional photo without scarcely creativity on the part of the photographer.
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My GOD! after the remark from Carlos, there's DEAD silence in the exposition hall...a couple of folks leave quietly through a side door...
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Guest Guest


A truely voluptuous woman of Rubensque proportions...... chris
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Very nice and creative photo but I think it could be much better without curtains. Becaucse all principal point is the model not other elements.
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The composition and colors might have some value, but the subject is gross. The woman might have been beautifull once, as teenage, but come on! Where the heck do you see beauty on those huge milky breasts? would any of you be happy with this woman that doesnt care a bit about her body, except a drunken russian who does not give a spit on what he f..ks at 2:00AM comming home dead drunk? Ok, art is art, but when is beatifull even GOD likes it, not this one I think. You guys keep commenting 'wow!", "My god!", "excelent work" and so on, but the message of this picture and others like it is GROSS. Period. You better shoot nails, shels, fingers, pencils, whatever the heck can capture a moment with light and colors, but not gross naked women. Sorry, I cannot be gentle on my comments. What I suspect is an obsession with huge breasts and plump women. Some men like that, but men photo magasines post slender women, at least close to ideal proportions, because THAT is beauty the way was intended at the world's creation.
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I think it is a great photo. Who are YOU to define what a beautiful woman is? Eye of the beholder my friend--that's the bottom line.
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There is no God. Even if there was, why do you presume what it finds beautiful?


I think it is crass and without empathy to attack the subject. She is who she is. She has a wonderful face.


The picture itself can be critiqued. Without mercy if desired. I like the effort of the series and courage of his subjects. This particular image is a bit boring, the composition is stiff, and the look on her face emotionless. I think the subject should be further from the wall and the picture have less DOF to give it a "Old Time" look.


Thanks for sharing and keep posting.

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That's pretty bad stuff to say, Flo. You make some assumptions that aren't valid in an attempt to rationalize and legitimize your own revulsion. You seem to think that nudity always equals sexuality and desirability. There are many aspects of the human condition that are not definable by "beauty" and artwork is a good non-verbal way to address those notions of humanity, beauty, psychological and cultural standards, especially when making critical commentary.

This image sets a critical eye on the very skewed cultural norms that are being spread across the globe by a genre of "beauty" photography that you apparently support. You don't seem to understand that art has the capacity to criticize as well as celebrate, that satire is a valid social commentary that is an important function of the artist in any society.

Get over your fat fear and loosen your grip on God. Please refrain from telling me what I think, and imposing your "ordained" standards of beauty on us. You have no idea what I think.

Feel free to say what you think, but use some basic manners when you're out in public... t

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With you guys, commenting here is a waste of time. I made clear my thoughts about the subject, sexuality is subjective. There is a beauty "standard", whether you like it or not, don't come with nonsense. That standard is considered the majority likeness. Show the picture to other people than photographers and you will get the verdict.


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You did a very nice job with this model. Flo- As a professional photographer it is our job to take every person or object, no matter whether they be: large or small, large breasted or small breasted, old or young, of a different race, color, or gender, no matter if you find the subject attractive or not. No-Matter-what! It is our job to take beautiful photographs of every one and make them shine. And this photographer did just that. Job well done!
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