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© Heiða



© Heiða
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great shot, esp. if you have another one without the tourists. adding persons to a landscape provides perspective; however, in this case, the figures are too prominent and as such the sea stack appears too small in comparison. even so, the contrast range and resolution in this foto are outstanding.
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I like the perspective illusion created by the size of the people relative to the ocean. Good exposure with nice tones. Good side lighting also. 6/6
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This is beautiful and I agree about the range of tones and lighting. It would have been nice if the couple were doing something a little more interesting, like maybe had their arms around one another, as they are so prominent. Fantastic shot though. I wish I could make one as good!
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It's wonderful that there are so many view points on this site and that they can be freely expressed and respected.


To me, the theme of the photo is the impact of this incredible scene on the viewers...and vicariously on the viewer of the photo. To my eye, the lack of any apparent action, suggested motion or emotional involvement between the tourists actually emphasizes the impact the view is probably having on them. I know that I would be standing there in silent introspective awe while drinking in the majesty of the view and pondering the incomprehensible power of Mother Nature regardless of who was standing beside me. Excellent photo!

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Yeah, on second thoughts a couple with their arms around each other would have been really cliche. I see Alex's point.
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This of "man-in-Nature" or rather "man-in-front-of-Nature" is a theme I am very interested in, and I find it wonderfully executed here. The persons act as a proxy, and looking at them looking at this wonderful scene, we are partly witnessing it as well. The composition is very good, and I agree that the couple should be as it is... without doing anything else than concentrating on the scenery which lays in front of them.
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Hae Hei�a,
I think this photo is really exceptional, for the reasons given above and for the lovely detail of the reflections and the dramatic lighting.
You've got some of the most interesting photos of Iceland that I've seen on this site!

Best wishes,
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