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Street performer on the Pont des Arts


TriX- exp 400

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Indeed light helps capturing great images.... I wouldn't have included the man on the right but this is just a personal feeling and doesn't lessen my opinion on the image. The level of details is really good and tilting the camera to the right added motion to the image.


Pont des arts is great also at night, when people gather there to play and smoke... I found this spot in Paris one of the most romantic





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Yes, the light here is magic, and I think that the man on the right balances the composition... really great dynamics!


Unluckily tri-x skies are not the best, and tri-x skies scan very badly giving a huge grain that you don't get on prints.

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I agree with your remarks vs. grain in the sky. I could have done a little more PS work on the scan (from the neg with Nikon LS50E). It is true that it is less obvious on the print. Thank you for your comments.
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F鬩citation pour cette excellente photo. J'appr飩e tout particuli貥ment le soin apport頠 la composition avec, en particulier le garde corp du pont juste sur la pointe de l'Ile de la Cit鮠Je suis plus r鳥rv頱uant au parti pris du personnage vertical et de l'horizon ... entre deux. Quant au grain de la Tri X, c'est tr賠souvent un probl譥 d'accentuation lors du post-traitement mais ce nuage est si beau !. Amicalement.
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