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SE Asia Disaster - Helping Through Photography

darrin james

This shot, as indicated in the details was taken in Laos in 2002. We chose it for this cause as it depicts people, regardless of age Caring for each other.Hi All,The recent disaster in South East Asia is unprecedented in the need for Aid to help in the supply of the basics such as Water, Food, Shelter and Medicine.As some of you know, we have been selling our photographs, many from the affected regions, for a while now which has led to an idea that we hope will help those badly in need of those basics to survive.For as long as it is required, ALL profits from the photos sold off the website will be donated directly to the relevant Aid Organisations. The prices of the photos have been drastically reduced to encourage more sales during this period which will hopefully lead to a reasonable sum to be donated.Some of the shots have won International awards and the photos generally have been given substantial International recognition. For the small cost of the photos you will be receiving something which truly reflects on the culture of that particular place and the knowledge that you have helped out in the long process of rebuilding many many severely affected lives. There is now a section on our website which goes through this in greater detail including a Size and Price guide. Please visit Darrin JamesJ PhotographyEvery bit will go a long way, thank you for giving this consideration. If you feel this is a worthy exercise, please pass on these details to your family and friends. Dana and DarrinDarrin JamesJ Photography

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I feel sorry for you Faith, truly. Why are you so bitter and cynical? People are in need of aid at the moment, that is our cause. As mentioned to Dave, people who know us know this is the truth. If you, who do not know us at all, make poor judgement than that is purely your problem. We have used our photography in a positive way and will continue to raise money. How you choose to view the world is up to you.
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And who said this photo had anything to do with the tragedy? It is to us a positive photo symbolising the caring for each other. It really is sad knowing that people can think this way.


By absolutely no means am I making a comparison between us and such amazing people such as Bob Geldorf and Bono from U2 but they have used their skills through Band Aid to generate untold millions for the world's poor. I ask you a question, do you believe they did what they did because they were able to help or were they just trying to boost album sales?

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are the people that can look at the world destroying itself and see only hate. Regardless of motivation, I applaud the use of this Gallery to raise the consciousness and (hopefully) the charity of our membership. The "Sanctity" of the PhotoNet Gallery will not suffer from these efforts. Best Regards D&D.
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Using one of your very memorable images was the best idea. Well done. ignore the twisted minds.
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A powerfull image with the subject isolated showing the strength and caring of children. Good work.
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"Just wanted to let you know that I have reported your unjustified and narrow minded behaviour to the administrators of Photo.net. I only wish you would not see the world through cynical eyes."


"If you don't want to help through this medium - don't. But do not hinder those who genuinely are trying to make a difference."


I am publishing your silly email message for all to see. And I am glad you reported this to PN admin. so Brian can see what you are doing, which is duplicative posting of a photo for SELF PROMOTION along with everything else no matter how noble and honest(??). I merely stated and restated my view of what you are doing which is GROSSLY MISUSING THE GALLERY FOR A PURPOSE IT IS NOT INTENDED. AND AFTER THIS 3-DAY GALLERY CYCLE, THEN WHAT? RE-POST ANOTHER ONE OF YOUR PHOTOS WITH THE SAME APPEAL? You see where this leads? And, if you consider that my stating this sort of opinion to be abusive, then that is your right. But neither you nor your sympathizers are right to vilify others for objecting.



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For those who are interested and may not be aware of this, there is a website listing several Relief Organizations that one can donate to. The link is http://www.freedomcorps.gov


By the way Cohen, posting someone's personal email on the open Internet is about as low as one can stoop. Really tacky behavior. Regards.

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Actually Faith you came out and made some very derogative remarks against us personally (the sick comments) based on your unfortunate views. And to question our honesty?? I consider that abuse.


I am glad you posted the email, it is far from silly and I look forward to the administrator's response.

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D&D, you might have averted this unpleasant ordeal by posting the country as well as the date which this photo was taken directly in your title. I too clicked on this image thinking the children had emerged from the water after losing their entire family. Fortunately, though, they are both a thousand miles away and a few years older by now.


Also, when raising funds, it is always a good idea to give the specific breakdown of the donations you will be recieving as well as a breakdown of the way the aid organizations will be distributing this relief. If it is a reputable organization they will make that info readily available. People show their generosity in a crisis such as this one and it is unfortunate that there are some people who capitalize on that. The breakdown reassures those folks who do not know you personally that you are indeed legit and protects you if you are ever investigated. I applaud your efforts here and wish you the best.


BTW it is a very good photo.

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This is a photographic forum! It is not a charity website! Some of your photos are good...... some are even very very good!


Now! Along comes 'David' and sees a blatant advert to purchase photographs from strangers who are using sympathy to get him to part with money. David has no way of knowing that the money will go to help victims of a very tragic incident.


Why would anyone send money to a stranger believing it MIGHT go to charity!


If people want to give to charity I would suggest orginisations such as the Red Cross and not purchase photographs from strangers!


If this is an appeal to your friends only, might I suggest you email them!


You have the nerve to report me to the site administrators. I think it is YOU that should have been reported!



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Wow. I'm just impressed with the commentary on this image and what the party wants to do...some of it is downright vicious and disgusting. If you don't like what the party is doing just ignore it...
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Hi Dave, thank you for your comment. If you look at the details it is quite clear what country and when the photo was taken!
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If I were to photograph your children and then offer the photographs for sale, I am sure you would be outraged. Many of your pictures are of children and I wonder just how much of the money you receive from these pictures goes to your 'models.'


This is nothing short of exploitation and you have the nerve to call me ignorant.



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Ladies and gents, points from both sides are well taken.


Personally, I concluded that the cause, the big picture is sound, and definitely there are folks out there that need whatever we can give.


Correct, this is a photographic site, and not a charity by nature. But when a disaster that wiped out over 150,000 lives and left over 5 mil homeless occured, be it a photographic, service, medical, culinary, or whatever the community is, one can not help but find a way to, "do more" and be part of a solution.


If one feels better to support directly to organizations like unicef.org, redcross.org, worldvision.org, worldconcern.org, etc., by all mean please do so (we gave through these channels.) If you don't feel comfortable about D&D James setup, then go the other routes. Still, I feel that D&D James was doing it out from the heart, and not the head (I hope I'm right.) BTW, Darrin & Dana, perhaps declaring the percentage of proceed that actually goes to the relief effort might also clear things up with us PNers.


Conclusively, there are much bigger issues out there that need serious attention than some of the disagreements going on in PN at the moment. Again, if unsure, just go to redcross.org, unicef.org, worldvision.org, doctorswithoutborders.com, etc. and help out that way.


All be well.


p.s. Worldconcern in Lynnwood, WA needs volunteers to pack up goods M-F from 8am-4pm this week. Any Pugetsound area members might want to consider.

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David, you actually have some valid points but your way of accusing us with no validity is what I am concerned with. Why is it you come straight out and accuse people of the worst?

I call you ignorant relative to this case based on a definition, making judgement with no knowledge about what it is you judge. Whether you are ignorant generally is something I do not know and is not something I am accusing you of.

Not that I owe you an explanation but let me fill you in on a few details. This particular photo was taken whilst on a trek with UNESCO in Laos. We were helping with a programme to develop education facilities and did so through physical help. Since this photo has been published and sold through various locations it has raised a substantial amount of money that has been directed straight to that particular fund, hence more than likely actually benefiting this little girl and her family.

Can I suggest you extend the courtesy of asking valid questions to people before making such harsh accusations.

I make the point clear in a reference to this photo of yours: Windsor Knot

Once again I am reporting you to the administrators for abuse.

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Thanks William. Good point, the percentage of profit from the photos donated is 100%. We were at one stage meeting the donation at a rate of 50p to the pound but stopped when we reached our personal limit of ?500. (From our pocket).


Our personal contribution after this amount is the work and admin required to put this together.


By the way, a reciept is sent with every photo confirming the donation. (From the Red Cross etc)

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You didn't! You may have thought you have! Don't think wealth is a qualification. It isn't!


Your photographic talents are not in doubt although which one of you is the photographer is unclear! You obviously have little understanding of human nature! Ignorant people are everywhere. Someone chancing on your pages may be compelled to buy some of your images. I stand by what I have said before and I will not repeat it!


Your intentions may be honourable! I have no way of knowing! That is the point I am making. ANY half wit can come along, post provocative images and say the money is for charity! I hope, NOW, you get me.


If I may respond to someone else who has contributed to this page. Wilson Tsoi was also moved to make his feelings about the disaster known. What he did was list a number of 'organised' charities in his 'Biography' page!


I have emailed you!



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This is a striking photograph, as are others in your portfolio - I'm captivated.


As for the debate, if you look in Photo.net's Terms of Agreement, you'll see that absolutely no soliciting is allowed without prior written consent. From a business standpoint, this is a smart clause for their useage agreement. Without photo.net's consent and a written contract allowing plausable deniability, I think they become liable for where those funds end up, and they can't regulate that. If it's done "this once," without permission, stopping it in the future will cause even more turmoil from precedence.


While agreed, some perspectives above do jump to conclusions about character, in today's sick world it doesn't surprise me, and shouldn't surprise you - the U.N. is already freaking out about how to regulate the billions of dollars flowing in, corruption being a huge concern - and news of dozens of scams are already out there. It's hardly beyond belief that someone would try it here on Photo.net, and that, likely, is the reason for the Photo.net rule in the Terms of Agreement.


Good luck - noble cause.

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David, as mentioned in my email, I agree with your points and am happy that we are able to communicate about this in a civil manner. As you know, my only concern is the manner. Thank you for being concerned enough to raise these issues. Darrin
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Good luck - noble cause.


By the way..... can I ask? After reading my latest comments and reading my emails, do you still think I am being abusive?

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