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A Ticklish Situation


Flash: Vivitar 285Cropped 8x10 print made on a Beseler 23C enlarger with 80mm Schneider lens on Ilford RC Multigrade IV paper.Scanner: Epson 1650 Photo (No PhotoShop enhancements other than adding the copyright notice and removing dust spots)

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I was trying to take an informal picture of this young fellow and his

mother. He refused to cooperate, making faces. Entreaties to smile,

both from his mother and me, fell on deaf ears. I finally told his

mother, "Tickle him!" That worked!

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I must confess this sort of candid shot isn't my kinda thing, so take everything I say with a grain of salt.


On the plus side, yes it is a very spontaneous capture of a mother and son having a good time and you definitely got the "decisive moment"




The cropping bothers me. The ribbon across the top keeps grabbing my eye. The flash "hot spot" at the left is distracting, could have been burned down a bit. I would have cropped the left a bit. I think the composition is out of balance. Might even have cropped down to just their faces and perhaps a bit of their hands. Also the line of the bricks tilts slightly to the left and that bothers me. Flesh tones seem just a touch muddy, but I don't know how you could have punched up the contrast any more without blowing out the highlight in the mother's top. Flash shots can be tricky.

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Very lovely moment, indeed. The flash fill looks OK but I think you have a one stop underexposure for the general light reading -- the skin tones don't look right, too dark.
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First, the idea of tickling is great, thank you for sharing. Second, the cropping is OK, as far as I am concerned - I somehow think you know what you do. One stop under - I eally don't know, not sure that the photos have to be bright, after all you have a spot of the pure white here. The hot spot is IMHO also OK, I personnaly hate "correct" compositions, they are dead and boring.
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What a fabulous picture.  A lovely moment caught.  Must say the cropped version is 'neater'.

Well done :)

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