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© Request critique

Fatal wound ****

elena vasilieva

in forshortening


© Request critique

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Nude and Erotic

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You cannot understand. That if you to me will put on mean 1-1 or 2-2 from it I not ﮱ��ठ� not as. To me that only is pleasantly that such as you, casual people in art or it is simple passers-by you so strongly excites. I wish success.
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I don't understand how anyone can call this art. If someone is saying this is art, they are only trying to impress people to make them believe they are great art critics and the rest of us who find this offensive are just to dumb to see the art value. For your next picture, why not use a shotgun. It makes for a better wound, for art's sake. I would score this 0/7.
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Art is many-sided. And not who has no right, to speak as whom it is necessary to see it. And if it is necessary to me a shot-gun, there will be also a shot-gun. But if to you to not like, it does not mean that it should not like all. I hope clearly to you???? Get acquainted well to art, and then here write the sketches. Such as you it is not interesting to me to listen to opinion even.
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Pushing the limits a little. I like it in a slanted kind of I'm a little bit twisted sort of way. "MORE BLOOD PLEASE!".

I like the tones, but I think the highlights could be a little higher - for more of a starkness. Also I think the background/floor line behind her is a little distracting, but I realise this kind of staging is hard to do anywhere but instudio.

Regarding furthering the idea: imagine if she was staring at us!

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La composicion es buena, me gustaria mas en un tono ocre que verde..(pero eso es solo mi opinion) y un poco mas cerca el sujeto..Kind regards.
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I see your idea but there's much work to be done on this photo. 1:the pose of the girl- would you be in this position with your feet on their toes and with your hands on your breatst if you were dying(dead)? I dont think so. The spikes are the second problem. Thy dont seem real enough so everything looks ... ridiculous. I like it as an idea but try making it more realistic.


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I don't want to sound prepotent, but: if needs to be explained, is not art, is science or whatever you want It to be. I love this shoot, I love the idea and love the feelings that it transmits to me. I also love the shape of the model and the light on her feet. If I were you, i'd just ignore the ratins, stop reading the crithiques, and keep shooting.

Marvelous work, like the rest of yours



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I like the original concept here, ambitious and controversial. On the other hand, I think the spikes look too out of place. The base of the two furthest right need to be darkened, and the tops need to be lit like the model. Otherwise, not bad.
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I like the idea. Just needs a bit more photoshop know-how. or perhaps a good make-up artist. Keep up the good work.
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