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Marco 2, 1976


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Nude and Erotic

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Felicidades, Congratulations! I was not aware of your work, I'm very impressed with it. It seems that there is a significant group of Spanish photographers here in PN.

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I feel like the last one to comment on this picture! Before, I was reading everyone else's comments and I have to say I agree with them too: the moss is too perfect! I like the pose as well. My first thought when I saw it was: Hey cool it's a caveman who has been banned from his tribe and is hiding out in his secret area by himself. I liked the first picture better than the other ones where the position is changed and the colour is black and white (I'm telling you! That moss is great! Even if it's fake...is it fake?).


Your harmony collection is excellent, but my first thought wasn't all that great: The guy wants to become the rock. He's tired of this world and being one with the rock is so much cooler.

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It isn't moss - it is a seaweed (sea lettuce, I think) that grows all over rocks (esp. boulders) in intertidal zones. As Juan said, it looks particularly verdant because the tide was in/up one hour before this was taken.
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To Gabriel:


The idea of a tighter crop came from Juan himself. Click on the folder and see his other version, which is not only partially desaturated but cropped as well.


Juan likes the square format. Most of us do, too, but that doesn't mean that there cannot be other possible compositions from the same negative.

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This image is unique, in that it works at every level. From a distance, it has impact and viewer grab. On closer examination it has detail and interest. Compositionally 99% perfect. The dark at the top holds it in, the green and skin colour contrast and complement. The naked form and the rock on the middle right balances each other. There are no distranctions elsewhere to pull the eye. And the real thing that for me makes this image one of the best I've seen - the naked human form is weak and frail, balanced by a rock, the exact opposite of this. The only things that bug me a little are the human form is toppling backwards slightly, and the cropping on the right is a bit tight on the balancing rock. But, none the less, an excellent image worthy of the POW.
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My first thought was it's a very good pose and composition and overall a great image. I like the way the curve of the figure echos those of the cave. Looking at the larger version I also feel that he doesn't look seated on the ground, it looks like the effect of the value of the shadow that may create this impression, which in turn gives a strange feeling of imbalance/movement and the feeling that the figure is floating. He's also in a fetal position so it works well. The fleshtones create a great fp against the gray and green. I'm usually attracted to figurative/nude/outdoor works and this one drew me in right away, I would guess they are difficult to do well for a variety of reasons. Congrats. :-)
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The first thought that came to my mind after seeing this image is that man is feeling so insignificant before pristine Nature, he is trying to hide himself but there is nowhere to go and thus this foetal position.
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the first impression is that man is a part of nature, a part of the large whole and that actually scares him, this was passed in probably by the involvement of the body inside the landscape and the fear is from his pause that shows a creature seeking protection.. from nature by nature!
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EXCELLENT work! It's a beautiful and striking image. The nature part of it is exceptional. The human part is a good idea, but might do well with a minor adjustment. As it is, the "pose" looks just a little too much like a pose. He is uncomfortable and not "one" with the surrounding. All of the circular shapes imply this oneness and harmony, but he is stiff and holding himself in that position with too much effort. I think you might get a more natural looking pose if he was to lie down but hold the same circular fetal shape. It seems that you will have future opportunities to experiment. Good luck and congratulation.

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My first reaction was that it is contrived. Viewing it with my wife produced various responses, from a humorous angle I will spare relating. I have no problem with the inclusion of 'the human' in the natural space... would just prefer him to fit more naturally within that space rather than draw so much attention to what might be considered an unnatural 'event'. Obviously this was composed for symbolic interpretation, but perhaps a similar and more thought provoking result could have been achieved via a subtler approach.


Congrats to Juan... please pardon my critique of your fine photography. Best, -Greg-

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All things considered, this is an example of wonderful technique and desired results. Being that I'm still a novice, and finding my own photo eye I feel that the poses for the man are too typical, to cliche... Man is the ultimate dychotomy for nature, he is born of nature, but is its greatest enemy. I would have like to see a pose that puts the man at odds with scene, perhaps having him face the wall, legs spread, arms spread, in an almost arrested pose or a defiant pose - his nudeness, which is exposing and vaulnerable contridicted with an agressive stance - knowing somehow this spot will out last any effort he gives and that nature will ultimately beat us all. Just a thought. I still think the photo is wonderful.
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this is certainly an excellent composition and technically executed to perfection, but somehow an uncomforatble feeling of vicarious shivering ultimately over-rides everything else; well, at least for me. in simple terms: the skinny little man looks cold! there is also perhaps the lack of just a tiny touch of irony that would set everything free. very well done, but still a near miss--albeit by the narrowest of margins.



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peeps, please do not alter (crop, edit, unsaturate, etc.) the man's photo. that is incredibly vulgar. if you feel so compelled, by all means go out and shoot your own that you think is better.
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First thought was not one of man in the womb, it was man escaping into himself. To me, it is a very introspective pose, obviously very vulnerable figure, and a secluded sanctuary. Evokes the wimp in me.
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The pose reminds me of Flandrin's painting "Young Man Beside the Sea".

The setting is magical in itself, but I especially like the way the lines of the stone seem to form a vortex, pointing our eyes toward the human figure who is so out of place as if to say "he belongs here."

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in terms of discussion, this is a complete farce compared to what we had a few years ago. it's almost as if respondents were hand-selected by photonet police.



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My first feeling; an adult man, the childpart of all men, lying in the womb of mother earth.

My seconds reaction was a shock when I saw the name of the image. My brother Marco died in 1978 and is lying in earth.

Thanks verry much and of course I downloaded this beautifull photo and rated a 7/7.

Emily from Holland

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As fysical therapist a third idea... Reading that your vision is indeed a child in the womb the following idea. A child choses a position wiht his back to the front of his mother. The lines in the rock gives a suggestion of the line of the mother. Turning the model just on his other side gives a stronger idea of "the child in the womb". Maybe you like this idea. Emily
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Guest Guest


When was this photo taken? 1976? I remember seeing a very famous photograph that was very similar to this and I'm wondering if this is the same photo or a different one? Thanks
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Great War photograph.


One of the best shots that I have seen


Great mood and perspective.


Greatcconceptual work.


Well done


Ive selected it as faviorate.


All the best

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