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Marco 2, 1976


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Nude and Erotic

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Many things in this picture bring back to an essence of the human being and nature

A creation within the creation...

Sincere congratulations.


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Very nice picture... Not really a picture that meets my personal tastes, but nicely composed, with lovely details and colors. If anything, I'd perhaps just like to ask: why this pose ? Nothing wrong at all with it, but I feel it isn't quite as interesting as the place - and not very original to me. I'd have prefered something, that would make me think beyond the impeccable aesthetics of this photo. But that's just one person's opinion, obviously.

I'd also like to say, that I find the question raised by the Elves very interesting. I feel we often dig very deep in the aesthetics of the POWs in this forum, but it would be great also to read what people first think when they see any image, what they feel, etc. To answer the question now, I'd say that my first thought were:

1) what a beautiful composition and colors;

2) Why does the man seem to have his back ABOVE the ground, rather than ON the ground - and here I wonder whether this image had been manipulated, then saw the details, and it wasn't.

3) WHY this pose ? Tried to let the picture carry my mind away, but nothing much happened for a while... till I noticed that the foetal position was somehow echoed by the shape of some of the rocks... I thought, that this very fact was the most interesting aspect of the picture, and regretted that the photographer had not worked the pose a bit more to emphasize this "similarity" - making the picture perhaps more meaningful and emotionnally stronger...?

Anyway, congrats on POW. It's still a very nice photo. Regards.

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My first thoughts were: It's a very strange image, great deep colours almost unnatural. Has it been shot in studio? Looks unnatural perfect.

This picture is on the opposite spectrum of photographycal genres I'm interested in, so my critique and/or ratings would be useless. I have more questions on why this was done as it is than some constructive critisism, interpretation or something else. Just my first thoughts.


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The subject is clearly supporting himself by leaning on the vertical rock form at the back the picture.

Beautiful colour and composition here and the square format really helps.

My thoughts at first instance were of the male form instead of the female and then how this changed the overall impression of the image in regards to the raw textures seen. A female form would IMO change the feeling of the textures within the photograph.

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First thoughts as requested; I like the natural colouring and idea and placement of the figure. The pose suggests a fearful man. Someone who has yet to come to terms with his environment and who presently prefers to shut it out. I think the picture has been assisted by what appears to be an overcast sky and the lack of shadows. It enhances my vision that the man is lkely to stay there a while, until he is kissed by warming sunlight.


I would prefer to see a thoroughly green lower edge. There are two white blobs (centre and right corner) that interfere with my preference for continuous green. I yearn for some interplay between the man and the largest boulder on view. Something to do with their similar size, fixed position and coldness. But the design doesn't give me that.

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I much prefer the selectively desaturated one. The green moss here looks too fake and steals too much of the subjects thunder. The contrast between the moss and the black rock is to much IMO.


The other image puts all the focus on the subject and gives a more 'dark' feel which goes well with the subjects pose. In this image the pose doesn't really work with the 'happiness' of the moss.


My first thought? "Wow does that moss look fake. I have to go see his other shots."

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i believe it is not maed with computers but it is hard ot see how he is supporting himself up because there is nothing under his butticks to hold him up.
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I'm glad Phil brought up the two distracting white elements at the bottom in the face of several comments about 'perfect' composition. Unfortunately it inevitably brings up the subject of cropping and aspect ratio. Would the image have looked 'cleaner' if the camera had included more of the top and less of the bottom? Don't know, but as is, it begs to be cropped to 4:3.
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My first impression, after being attracted by colors and shapes, was the opposite of the 'nest' idea ... : the contrast between the naked man (warm, vulnerable) and the environment (cold, tough and wet).

In my opinion the shadows on the left give depth to the image and the subject is well placed under the rock lines.


I think the photographer had a lot of opportunities in framing this shot ... for example I'd like to see a narrow framing all around the subject, that would give more abstraction to the shot and more strength to the grey/green contrast. Congratulation, great image!



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The subkext, the colors, the shapes... everything about this image is great. When I first saw it, the first thing that came to my mind was "Adam & Eve".
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This is a wonderful image, but I agree with thouse who would prefer the image without the

nude, which I find to be a little superfluous, and a little distracting from the fabulous

landscape which has been perfectly exposed.


I suppose it all depends on how you see the image: A Nude in a landscape, or a Landscape

with a nude!

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Being one who finds it easier to criticize than to congratulate, I would have been happy to have made this photograph, and many of the recent POW's, as they are, despite the complaints and criticisms I bring up. I agree about the brighter rocks in the lower right corner, but I think the composition is fine. Bright rocks can be burned, or etched, or picked up and chucked out of scene. I think the image would be far better if they had been tossed or visually reduced. I'm aware that when shooting one scene, and only one scene, leaving the rocks to compete for attention within so formal a composition leads to a few question marks, but if the photographer and model were working in the location, trying various ideas, moving about, I can see how a few stray elements might creep into a shot here and there.


all told, I would be proud of this shot in my portfolio.

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I also agree that it's difficult to see how he is supporting himself, but it must be a play of light. It looks as if his feet are the only part of his body touching anything, which makes him look unnaturally balanced since most of his body is to the left of them. The soft light, the soft moss, the shadows, together all probably create an illusion of space beneath him that is not factual. I find myself working to overcome this illusion, which makes it somewhat of a distraction.


But, I do like the lines in the wall that seem to radiate in concentric circles from his head. In a sense, the rock wall reminds one of the cosmos, the grean moss of earth. In that respect, the placement of the figure just there is a very wise one.

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This is an absolutely amazing photograph. The way the lines in the moss seem continued on the rock, placing the man at the center of a circle -- where did the water go that made these lines? It gives the man an almost supernatural aura, as though we can see his power radiating out through nature. I'd give this an 8/8 if I could -- simply wonderful!
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I think this picture is taken from an elevated point. The guy is not sitting but laying on his side. Striking angle. I like it a lot.
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Hi, thanks all!

It's a surprise to me to be POW, and I thought I should comment some questions posed.

This is an absolutely unmannipulated photo, only spotted in Photoshop as it is an 51/4x51/4 Ektachrome, from the 70's, not even saturated. Black slate and green algae had a very strong colour because they were inside the water just an hour ago, and it was a light rain that keep things wet. The day was very cloudy, as it is in Asturias (Spain) most of the days. There is no studio, no posing, as it was an improvisation just before taking a bath! It was not a photographic session and I took only the two images you can see in my PN site.


As I say on the PN comments to this image, when I see this place I thought immediately about having a person there as an egg or an embryo, following the rock curves. To me this is not a nude photo as the figure is not the main theme here, but the relationship between man and nature.


I used a tripod but otherwise is a straight take, with my loved Rolleiflex. I love taking photos with a minimal equipment, and concentrate on seeing and not on technics.


Again, thank you very much for this honour.




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Concerning how he is standing, you can see he is in absolute muscular tension as he was standing on his feet and his arms were supporting the difficult position. Nothing on the background to support him, only his equilibrium and strenght...Algae were very very slippery and a few secons after the taking he slipped away ruining all the algae around him, so I took the second photo on the rocks at his left...
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This pic story is wonderful. It is clean and sends a clear message. I thought about mother nature and how we are part of it. Bravo !
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This image makes me think of a man that lost all of his testosterone and wants to cry all on his lonesome.
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This is certainly a very original composition. I would prefer that we not be made to guess about the support for the man... The softness of the moss and the fetal position of the man create an atmosphere of the gentleness of nature... well done.
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