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Lunar Windmill


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It feels like I'm looking at a windmill on the moon or a foreign planet. The moon in the background serves to give a stronger sense of connection to space and encourage this feeling, while the piece of fence in the foreground brings me back to earth. I like the effect. The low contrast of the "tail" of the windmill (I've no idea what the proper term is) against the sky makes my eye search for it until I have a firm model of its shape in my mind. Overall, well done.
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Incredible. I agree with Jeromie about the extraterrestrial feeling I get from looking at this: the windmill almost looks like it could be a lunar module!


The sky is a bit too half-and-half with the ground for me: perhaps a bit more sky would have balanced the composition. (Keep in mind, I am perhaps too tied to the rule of thirds at times.)


All in all, this is an exceptionally atmospheric, powerful shot. Excellent work.

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I like clam mood. I like to see a bigger moon, more upper space for the sky and a moving winmill. BW Tonning is great already.


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do you ever look at any of your landscape shots and say to yourself "i do the type of shots that people aspire to do.."... because you do....superb
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i think the top three quarters is really splendid. the line running left to right and little bit of clutter on the bottom left detract though. can't do anything about it, i know. but the bottowm quarter pulls away from the main subject matter cuz its lighter. you need the legs though. i'd consider dulling, darkening some down there, as i think about it . . .
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