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Wondeful image! Sweet and colorful, just like Italy is...

When did you shooted this one ? Spring ?

It is very similar to one I shooted this year in Tuscany (http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=405664) but colors are so different.

But yours is far better: the geometric construction build by the wheel traces and the land curves are so magic! I like the small house in the background too : it adds some deepness.

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The picture was taken in May this year. The field was located directly by the road from Siena to Asciano (direction Pienza). Most of the people took a photo from the left street side: a typical Tuscany landscape. This grain field on the right side was completly overseen and forgotten...




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I prefer the wider version. Isn't too expensive to cover those hills with such huge blankets?
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