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Silhuette of Suleymaniye Mosque


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I wander if you did notice, this photo of yours is hundred per cent the same of my photo "Sunset in Cappadocia". I mean the colours and the silhouette are clone copies but the locations and subjects are different. I am very proud of looking from the same window at least for one photo....
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Haven't got a clue what Aslan (wasn't that the Lion out of the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe?) is wittering on about but I love your shot. I always think a good photo should be simple, which it certainly is, and I hate too much colour - it's essentially monochrome (just red and black). So very simple and very beautiful - 10/10
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Beautiful simplicity. I like this one more than the lighter one of the same building, because it's more mysterious. I really love your portfolio!
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