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A grain silo near my house


A b/w C-41 picture.


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for some reason I feel cheated when I look at this. I want to see the whole silo. also, it might have been better if sun was behind you to make the silo brilliant against the darkened sky.

also, might have been better from a higher vantage point instead of staight up. try this on a day when there is squall light.


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I also feel that it would have been a better shot if you had got the whole silo in the frame, it is kind of offputting that the base has been chopped off...maybe taking the shot from further away would have helped. The contrast in the sky also appears a bit harsh. Good try though.
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I like the composition and don't feel "cheated". However, I would like to see more light on the end of the silo closest to the camera - if this part gets direct sunlight that would be best.
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Once again, the infamous silo picture is up for critique. Please say

anything and everything you want to about it, but please say

something! Thank you

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I personally love it! I think its perfect EXCELLENT framing very beautiful if you saw the whole Silo it would be to centered and would ruin it Great job I think it is one of the best I have seen
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P.S. a great name for the photo would be stairway to heaven it looks like stairs a very beautiful photo the clouds also make it look magical
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I have to side with those who like the photo--it reminds me of the WPA photos taken during the 1930s and early 1940s. Which gets to my REAL point:


As a photographer, your purpose in taking a photo is far different from the viewer's purpose in looking at the photo. If these silos were phptographed in order to create a stark, evocative image, you succeeded. They may conjure nostalgia (as in my case) or communicate something about farming and agriculture, or whatever. But ultimately it's YOUR image.


Technique, however, is a separate issue, and I must agree with several of the comments here that pertain to the contrast or uniformity. Those details aren't easy to master, but the effort you put into them makes the viewer pay attention to your vision and not to the technical flaws.


Having said all that, I think a complete grain silo is boring. The few parts you chose to show us are what make this shot interesting.

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Thank you for all of your comments, I was actually going for a Walker Evans kind of photo, and I think I went in the right direction. Please take a second to look at my newest works under the "Stuff I printed" folder.
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