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Fine Art

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Beautiful photograph.

Excellent lighting work (already usual to you), lovely composition (in your hands) and the right model for an inspired shot (not for the first time).

Please, don't stop dreaming.

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i was in your folio, I remember the photos and that you shoot with a 503CW yeaaaaaaaaa I did not see this photo on my other visits. it is excellent
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  • This image has been selected for discussion. It is not necessarily the "best" picture the Elves have seen this week, nor is it a contest.
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  • The About Photograph of the Week page tells you more about this feature of photo.net.
  • Before writing a contribution to this thread, please consider our reason for having this forum: to help people learn about photography. Visitors have browsed the gallery, found a few striking images and want to know things like why is it a good picture, why does it work? Or, indeed, why doesn't it work, or how could it be improved? Try to answer such questions with your contribution.
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A cliche, and a degrading one at that. Technically, I think it's very good, with a strong and pleasing contrast between the model and the large camera. But choice of subjects influences me, just as would photos of dog fighting, child abuse, or environmental degradation. I know I'll be the odd person out, but depiction of females in this manner (and there are even more egregious examples in Igor's portfolio) are not in any way pleasing to my eye. Those who sing praise (and there are many) can have it.

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Despite landscape photographer I do follow your work with interest. There are many gorgeous images in your portfolio showing great talent and outstanding artistic skills, many can feel envy only looking through your work. Nude never was in my photographic intentions, I do prefer look at it when made by photographers as you. Some of your pictures I downloaded and looking through them I'm always amazed how intriguing, attractive and beautiful women bodies can be even after my 47 years of learning. However, please no offense, I do agree with Stephen in this forum this is or can be seen as a kind of degradation of such beauty I believe this image is. Maybe it is lack of "artistic view" or poor knowledge of act/nude/erotic photography on my side but I do not feel any magic looking at this picture in comparison with some of yours gorgeous shots. To be frank and straight - I don't see anything interesting in this one particular shot but it can be just my very subjective opinion and point of view. I think it is empty, nothing telling shot despite of gorgeous girl of course, sorry. I will keep coming back to your work because I believe you are and will be a great figure of contemporaneous nude photography, I hope you will be as careful to pick up your pictures as you are selecting your models!

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"I hope you will be as careful to pick up your pictures as you are selecting your models!"

That pretty much says it all. It seems for many, it's the model that counts. It might be good to remember, this is a photograph, not the woman you're going to sleep with!

This is, as has been mentioned, technically awesome. Really, really beautiful to look at. As good quality a photo as I've seen on PN. A cliché that doesn't seem to address itself as a cliché or rise above its clichéness, so very disappointing in terms of imagination, creativity, and vision. Popular by PN nude standards: distanced, objectifying, pretty, titillating, tried and true. (I don't find it degrading, which would go a step further for me than objectification. I don't think this photo goes there.)

It seems to fit in with the rest of Igor's portfolio and with the nudes category in general (for the most part). I don't know what Miroslav sees in Igor's other photos that he doesn't see in this one. It seems a consistent portfolio.

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Guest Guest


I keep looking for the cliches and degradation, but can't see any...at least it isn't some bizzare S&M fantasy shot, or a color snapshot of a nude in a motel room. Just because something has been done before doesn't make it a cliche by default. What some people refer to as a cliche, others see it as a variation on a theme...which photographers do all the time.

What I do see is excellent composition, opposing forms...straight lines, circles, and curves...and great black and white work...not to mention it is film work, which is a rarity these days.

I love the attention to detail, and the crispness of the photograph. The vintage camera and stand provide an excellent contrast to the obviously modern times model.

Is this terribly original? No, of course not. Is it beautifully composed, lighted, and executed? In my opinion, yes...absolutely.

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Technically well done. No any meaning for me, another use of woman's nude body, as so many others at PN.

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This image is completely interesting.One of the positive points is the composition and her gesture in front of the camera.Nicely showed the ancient camera and its tripod and good communication between them and the spaces.And the other good point is the title,that fit perfect to this shot.Nice atmosphere with beautiful b&w managing.

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The contrast between the two subjects, the curves and lines and composition make it a very interesting photo, after looking at this for a few minutes I really don’t notice the woman being nude that much it’s more about everything else in the photo that makes it a winner to me. As far as cliché…. Look around just about everything has been photographed before, some just do it a lot better that others.
I am curious why some think that this image is degrading; is it the pose of the woman on her elbows and knees or just because she is nude, please enlighten me.

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What is the point of this photograph? Am I supposed to pretend that I don’t notice the provocative posture of the model? If I didn’t notice it, then I wouldn’t know what this photo is about. If I do notice it, (which I am sure everyone does) then this picture is primarily about that. It is what I would call “soft porn” to distinguish it from “hard pornography” where every biological detail of the subject’s body would be in plain view. I could talk about technical perfection, aesthetic quality and the like, but that does not change the fact that the primary purpose and impact of this image is a crude intrusion of someone’s privacy.

And I also agree that it is degrading. There are ways to present feminine beauty with elegance and intrigue, but this is not one of them.

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I've been following Igor's work since 2004. His nudes are a little extreme for me but I have learned much about the genre and gained new appreciation for those embarking on the challenge from his work and writing:
On nudes - <How do I do this?>
and - <Plastic choreography or Speaking body Language?> by an art critic.

There's always a risk of saturating an audience with so many (technically) high quality images but sift through carefully and one will discover lots to learn.

I can't tell you why I like this picture; probably because of the playful pose and the contrasting blond hair of a woman in her prime against the old.

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