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Poor street urchin


Poor street urchin shot as he ran up to my car at a light. Should've used a little fill flash. He backed up a little and smiled when he saw that I wanted to take his picture.

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Took this shot of a poor street urchin as he ran up to my car selling

some stuff in Bombay, India. He backed up and smiled as he realized

I wanted to take his picture. I probably should've used a little

fill flash, but like the spontaneous look I got. Comments?

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As a grab shot this photo is pretty good because the background is not distracting (really contrasts well)and your model wore a red shirt for impact. As a portrait - darn that harsh side lighting. You were right on about fill flash. It would have enabled the viewer to see all the detail in that splendid face and would have added highlights to the eyes. (I really hope you paid this young fellow the going rate for models since he did pose specifically for you.) I enjoyed seeing this image and wish I could see the eyes; cest la vie.
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I somehow would have preferred "Smiling Boy" to "Poor Street Urchin". He does have a nice smile afterall. The titles we use sometimes tell us more about ourselves than the actual picture.
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